Zeets2 » 40 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
When will you get it through your Jew-hating head that nobody believes or cares about what idiotic claims a terrorist country that has lost multiple wars makes on a peaceful neighbor who defeated them in war? Grow up and recognize that this is what happens when a country loses a war! Did the Indians complain when we took their land and put them on reservations? Sure they did! Did we care or change what we did as a result? NOPE! Did Germany or Japan object when the allies split Germany or introduced a democratic system to replace Japan's emperor after we dropped a couple of atomic bombs on them and they lost WW II? Of course they did, and it didn't change a damn thing BECAUSE NOBODY CARES when a country loses a war THEY THEMSELVES STARTED!
Do you need more historical examples of that? Because there are dozens, if not HUNDREDS of examples throughout history!
Repeat after me:
YES!!! Putin has taken 100,000 sq miles in Uke called....NEW RUSSIA!