Two If By Tea » 39 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Dont ya get it ..
People cant just get on the good side ans march a straight line anymore.
Today people so screwed up and whacked out the only that calculates they understand is afew rounds thru the skull.
Shame it has come 2 this as a society
Stop being typecast by your own reasonable doubt. Navigate space as one of a kind as genetically positioned since personal conception living as eternally separated in series parallel time inhabiting space since arrived a specific fertilized cell 0-9 months before your birthday.
there never was a physical missing link in evolving in plain sight. 7 day week is pure fiction used for thousands of years playing 6 degrees of separation within the 5 ancestral lineages of homos sapiens living in 5 generation gaps never same ancestors twice.
Humanity punishes anyone not staying on message of hope, faith, charity builds better tomorrows as society governs today noon to midnight every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday midnight to noon.
It is how planned obsolescence and plausible deniability operate 24/7 throughout history generating current events within this species by this species alone.