Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,523 posts
ConservativeWave » 37 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Don't know what FANTASY LAND you are living in... BUT, the American people overwhelmingly elected Donald Trump President in 2024... and THAT, in a Democrat Controlled America where they could spend $billions$ to elect an INCAPABLE puppet President (and lost)... could spend $billions$ more to brainwash the American people that America was THRIVING (didn't work, & the CORRUPT cash cow is now GONE)... CREATING a WEAPONIZED Federal Government that was going AFTER Republicans, Christians, Parents, and Republicans (which Americans were COMPLETELY against)... and PUSHING WOKE-izm, DEI, anti Religion, anti Conservative and other IDIOT policies that American REFUSED to accept (and NOW KNOW were orchestrated by a group of Anti American, pro totalitarian, Liberal Democrats)...
I'm thinking AMERICA is WAKING UP to what ALMOST happened... ACTION will be taken to make sure checks & balances are in place to prevent future subversion... THOSE Guilty will be identified, prosecuted, and JAILED, and AMERICA will NEVER let itself come that close to ultimate TYRANNY EVER again !!
Make America GREAT Again !!
Yeah but the inauguration was phooking tiny and exclusive to the Oligawky.
The effers are cold as ice.