Buck Naked
Today 12:04 pm
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
13,259 posts
Vegas » 18 minutes ago » wrote: @Blackvegetable  just don't even try . Ok? You don't have the intellectual capacity to understand this. So just do yourself, and all of us a favor, and shut up.

The Black Gold Noose

 We spun a web of silken steel,
A thread of black, a fate to seal.
From earth’s deep veins we drew our prize,
And built our empires on its lies.

 The light we touch, the dark we crave,
We thirst for what we cannot save.
A fragile scale, a razor's edge,
A kingdom teetering on the ledge.

 One shift, one crack, the balance sways,
A single tremor shakes the maze.
The markets whisper, then they wail,
A gust of doubt—our towers pale.

 The hand once clasped, now clenched in war,
Old foes embrace, old friends abhor.
For gold that burns in endless thirst,
All bonds dissolve, all treaties burst.

 The black veins pulse beneath our feet,
Their echo drums in markets' beat.
Yet deeper still, a hunger grows,
A debt we owe but dare not know.

 And when the tide at last recedes,
When shattered realms are left to bleed,
Will echoes of our engine’s cry
Be all that's left to haunt the sky?
` Your mom
Updated 4 minutes ago
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