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Skans » 11 minutes ago » wrote: In the 1700's, Indians occupied less than .05% of What we call America today.  They actually have far more territory now than they had then.  They still do nothing with most of the land they were given.  It is simply false to claim that Indians were "here" first.  They were like a few little dots spread over the American continents. Under this kind of logic, the United States owns all of the Moon because we were there first and put our flag on it.
The moon...ah, yes, with the American flag and the other stuff. You know Skans, I was just thinking. This is interesting....South African Large Telescope (SALT)The South African Large Telescope (SALT) is one of the most powerful telescopes in the world, located on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. It has a camera so sensitive that it could detect a single candle flame on the surface of the moon

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