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Two If By Tea
Today 1:29 am
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Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 8:19 pm » wrote: That's a shame, actually. 

I have long harbored a desire to see Putin work with those Nazis to overthrow the green t-shirt and let the Nazis run Ukraine. Imagine the horror of the west if their pet became a hitler. 

And there's more. I would like to see the Russians cut out those parts of Ukraine that USED to be owned by Poland, Romania, and Hungary before Stalin redrew the map based on his amphetamine induced whim. They could then hold a plebiscite, giving the populations in those ethnic enclaves (whom the Ukrainian government has been discrimulating against) three choices: Vote to be your own republic, vote to rejoin your motherland, vote to remain a part of Ukraine. You would see 90-95% in favor of rejoining their respective motherlands. And under international law, such a vote cannot be discounted by the state adversely affected. 

The result of such a plebiscite would be that the governments of Romania, Poland, and Hungary would be expected by their populations to honor the ballot and accept those ethnic enclaves back into the state. Additionally, states just naturally desire to expand their geography and their populations. So there is a push and a pull. Imagine the irony of having three - count 'em, three - NATO states feasting on the bones of the once holy, sovereign, never-to-be-abandoned Ukraine. Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine - until we are feeding on it.  Image   Image   Image  

We need those Nazis for my long term plan for world domination. Once Ukraine is under Nazi government, the west has to give it the mean girl treatment and deride it for having cooties.
Russia itself does not want to be closer 2 China.

For decades Russia has maintained strong ties to India as a "counterbalance" while Chinva is Allied with Pakistan.

Even going back to "Soviet Era" China was viewed with suspicion even back in the 1960s they fought a War called the Sino-Soviet Conflict.

Even Russian Top Brass said holy crap we aint got enough men or bullets if a Billion Chinaman just rush across our borders at that time.

After the Collapse of Soviet Russia in 1991/1992 there was a hope they would move closer to thw West secure economic ties.

But the hatred lives on we dont trust them & they dont trust us
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