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JohnnyYou » 33 minutes ago » wrote: If you ask me, we have been beaten by both sides and the divisive dysfunctionality.  If I can thank Trump for anything it's demonstrating just how corrupt and useless our government can be.  I am ready for a Third Party Like it's 1999 and if we could team up and kick these old phooks out something might get better for everyone.

I apologize I feel Trump is accelerating America's descent, but everything I see is going to cost us more. There will be no relief on prices.. ever, by both sides accepting bribes from corps to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. The Mass Deportation, which is a government program with no price tag will cost us something.  Perhaps white phooks will move to Nebraska and shovel cow shyt, but I have no faith our education system has even taught them enough to do that, and y'all want to abandon a national education strategy.  We need workers to build and staff factories if we are going to be Made in the USA and we are spending only Elon knows how much removing them from the country.  

Everything is connected and you just keep on licking the orange mango magamaniacal madman's scrotum. A few on your side see their mistake.  Hopefully you will to. And maybe I will pay closer attention to the suck azz leadership on the democrat side.

We have a third used to be the it's the MAGA party.

If people would just stop and look the would realize something most can't see

Trump isn't a Republican....he's more of a classic libertarian who's pro life. 

He's consistent on both abortion and war.

He is actually helping people find their American Dream again or at least make it possible with a lot of hard work.

If you have to hate someone....hate the people that squandered all that taxpayer money and the people that lied to you for decades...never fulfilling the promises they made to get elected

Being a patriotic American is now's great....again!
Updated 4 minutes ago
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