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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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righteous » Today, 11:43 am » wrote: As long as there are Ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine, Neo-Nazi battalions will always be a threat. It might work If an agreement is made that they stay west of the Dnipro River but most agreements tend to fail. 
  The end is near for the Little Green Goblin. He’d never be voted in by the population, his real numbers at under 20 percent, unless it’s a corrupt election. He has the Neo-Nazis to fear also. 
   Returning land to Poland, Romania and Hungary for civilians is a good idea but might imply NATO could be  closer to the Federations borders. Trumpy seems to want to keep NATO alive after that last meeting with Rutte.
It rather goes without saying that part of Russia's deal to let these conquered lands rejoin their motherlands would be an agreement never to militarize the repatriated regions. So long as those regions do not accommodate NATO forward bases, giving them back to their original owners is no skin off Russia's nose. And more to the point, those three countries dining on Ukraine's carcass would enormously embarrass and inconvenience NATO, the US, and the EU. It would also thaw relations between Russia and the states that it assisted in reversing an historical injustice. The more important issue, of course, is having Ukraine as a neutral buffer between east and west, so that some yahoo getting drunk at the front and doing something stupid does not trigger a chain reaction leading to a high holy day for the MIC. 

Ukraine's state of military readiness and participation in military alliances would be a moot issue, if NATO had agreed to include Russia in the western security infrastructure. Article 5 would have kept all Russian lands safe from any Chinese intentions to reverse the losses they suffered to Russia during the Century of Humiliation. And having Russia in NATO would have made the west's hand EMINENTLY better against Chyna. It would have put the west in a position to make resources very expensive for the juggernaut. 

But the MIC would have lost money. Can't have that.
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