WHO CARES besides YOU?? MANY as in modifications to automatic to semi automatic switching, chambers being chrome plated, to stock and sighting changes.
EACH of the M16 changes vs the AR15 changes makes it enough of a difference, that one can ONLY SAY that the original 1950's Armalite design vs the end product of the M16 are NOTHING identical to the same end result AR-15 being produced today!! Because they might APPEAR to look similar, doesn't mean they are identical in any manner. Parts are NOT interchangeable from one design to the other.
Now, suck it up, cupcake!! You have ZERO firearm knowledge OTHER than some **** your handlers have blown up your ***!!
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke
The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.