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17 Mar 2025 7:52 am
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The Absolute Evil Hypocrisy of the DemocratsImage
Derek Hunter  | Mar 16, 2025
 ImageAP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

There’s a reason Democrats hate the free flow of information on X, Facebook, and other social media, and it’s not just that they simply hate hearing differing opinions, though that’s the result. If people think for themselves – and the more effective way to empower people to do that is to give them as much information as possible and allow them to draw their own conclusions – what they advocate for would be laughed off the stage. They’d never win another election, except in places where they fully control the education system and have created a welfare-dependent economy. Because to listen to the left is to be exposed to some of the biggest, most hypocritical statements and actions anyone can possibly imagine.

Remember the faux pearl clutching whenever anyone suggested anti-Semitic, America-hating, brother-marrying (for skirting of immigration law purposes, not sexual desires – as far as anyone will admit), piece of post-digested food Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia) or anti-Semitic, America-hating, C.H.U.D., piece of post-digested food Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Hamas) are free to leave this country and live in whatever third world hell hole they’re desperate to turn this country into? It was always odd how, after someone bitched non-stop about how awful, bigoted, and oppressive they think the government is, reminding them that they’re under no obligation to remain living in this prison – that our walls are to keep people out, not in – was the problem. It was “racist” somehow, but judging every white person to be a bigot was A-OK.

Whenever anyone invited progressive bigots to leave, even offering to help them pack, they were subjected to monologues on MSNBC about how they’re Hitler or worse. “They are American citizens, every bit as American as you are!” they screamed. Not so much anymore.

First off, I reject the idea that someone who complains about the country is “every bit as American” as someone who loves it, just as I don’t really think someone is a good spouse or parent if they bitch about their family non-stop. Putting that aside, Democrats are now calling for the stripping of citizenship and deportation of Elon Musk. What did he do? Volunteered to help root out corruption in government and streamline its function to head off financial ruination. That bastard!

Democrats hold rallies calling for the most successful entrepreneur in history – a man who has employed more people, created more wealth for more people, and improved the lives of more people than the entire continent from which Democrats have opened the floodgates on the southern border combined have – to be deported. How sick can people get?

These are the same people who insist a man can become a woman by self-declaration, humans can control the weather, and obesity is not a health issue, as anyone can be “healthy” at any weight. They aren’t stupid, they’re evil. Their followers are stupid, and they need to keep them stupid because their house of cards depends on taking advantage of stupid people.

They send their kids to private school or go to private school themselves while putting up obstacles to the best education possible for everyone not rich enough to bypass their indoctrination factories. 

Remember when they called for the end of the filibuster, demanding it was a “relic of Jim Crow” and racist? They knew better, as the party that created Jim Crow laws, but they wanted to paint it as racist to bolster their case. Now, they are defenders of it as a necessary tool to “protect democracy.” 

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