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Today 8:07 am
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8,931 posts
Pedo=Progs are indeed evil....

Just look at their "Political Wish List"...

Legalized Pedophilia

Using government schools to sexualize little children

Using fake science created by NGO's and paid for by USAID to sterilize and mutilate little children and create designer sex children for their use

Weaponizing government including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, EPA to destroy anyone who gets in their way including parents trying to protect their little children from the Pedo=Progs themselves.

Create the world's largest money laundering operation to steal taxpayer money and divert it to themselves and their supporters

Create massive hoaxes and lies in soft coup attempts to destroy any competition to their power base that might arise

Destroy the middle class through taxation, regulation and government school based anti-family propaganda

the list is endless...

Democrats, Rinos, Liberals, Marxists or Pedo=Progs....whatever name or label the try to hide behind are....

Bad for America
Bad for Your Family
Bad for a civil society
They see your children and grandchildren as sexual toys that they so desperately want to get their hands on
Updated 2 minutes ago
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