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Yesterday 9:56 am
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jerrab » Yesterday, 1:13 pm » wrote: why should mexico absorb the cost? california cannot grow enough avocados, mexico never hampered the sales from california.
Well, Trump sure hampered the sales of Mexican avocados, didn't he?
Why don't we simply revisit this question in around 6 months when we can make an accurate assessment of how avocado sales change as a direct result of the new Trump tariff?  That will give US farmers plenty of time to increase their avocado production, which is something you seem to think is impossible.  When we do, I guarantee that you'll see a substantial rise American avocado sales and a significant crash of Mexican avocado sales, UNLESS Mexico chooses to absorb the cost of the Trump tariff themselves in order to have their price competitive with US avocados, which is what I believe will happen.

Sound good to you?
You can be sure that I'll be checking the price comparison around mid-September, when one of us will be eating crow!
Updated 1 minute ago
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