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Today 1:17 am
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O_O ... rgets-gaza
Make sure to continue going to work and paying your taxes--Israel needs them to kill Palestinian women and children.
 Thank you for your Patriotism. 
You think American J U U Z are OK...sneaking around the USA pretending to be Americans while agitating for US taxpayers to send 10s of billions to Israel every year?  And corrupting the American political process such that they got a handler on every sitting Senator and Representative?
 SMH...I'll take the less contrived Israeli version over the lying, hypocritical, sneaking around American  version any day.  We know the Israelis are genocidal maniacs; they barely hide it.  The American version on the other hand comes with the phony, holier than thou 'morality' that utilizes the NAACP and BLM to do their dirty work of threats and intimidation.They're all scum, and you wouldn't want any of them for a neighbor.

The American version comes with debt slavery and financial “engineering” (cook the books and cash out of Ponzi schemes before they implode)
Until the MAGA crowd realize they have been played there will be no resistance to this satanic Zio take over 
Updated 4 minutes ago
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