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Cannonpointer » 16 Mar 2025, 6:18 pm » wrote: At great cost to his intelligence services, Putin released the Nuland tape. The west was flabbergasted at the fact that the Russians HAD that tape. It alerted them to a security breach which was, to Russia, an extremely valuable state secret. It was at no small cost that Putin tipped the hand of his security services, and you may be absolutely certain that he ruffled the feathers of powerful people in doing so. In choosing to ruffle those feathers and lose that critical intelligence edge, Putin made a gamble.

The gamble was simply this:

1. The EU would stand up on its hind legs, instead of being little bitches and cosigning the proxy war; and
2. The citizens of the United States, with universal access to the internet, would be enraged that their government was overthrowing friendly democracies for nefarious purposes.

Well, Putin's gambit - logical though it was, in his mind and his advisors' minds - fell flat. No one cared. No one gave a ****. And in the end, the west boxed him in and forced him to take firm action in Ukraine.

Now, you ask me, why doesn't Putin shout these particular truths from the roof tops? Like Snowden did. Like Assange did. Because people just ADORE the truth, and they will act on it. Because Putin's voice crying in the American wilderness of white noise will magically overcome the western propaganda and the effeminate russophobia of the conjobs. I strongly suspect that Putin has no idea how to rank order the lies of the west and the shady dealings of the west. There are a hundred truths he could shout that challenge the narrative of the western propaganda machine. 

Now, to be clear, I would have advised Putin to focus on this, rather than on the shared history of the warring Slavic countries. But I am not a Putin advisor. Also, I believe that if you watch the interview closely, you will see that he DID say a lot of these things - just not framed in the kind of sharp relief that Americans require in order to pay attention. There is such a cultural divide between how Russians ingest information and how Americans do - how we read between the lines, what we assign importance to, how much we need things encapsulated into sound bites - that Putin, I suspect, did not and does not know how to reach us. He talked about what was important to him, I suspect. But the short and final answer is, I don't know.

Some of his lecture was debunked anyway. They DO have a different way of looking at things. At least Putin and his "advisors" (should they exist) certainly do... I posted something on this shortly after the Carlson thing.
I'm not saying he's off in left field; just that their spin and our spin get in each other's way.  ;)  
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