*GHETTOBLASTER » 54 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
The TV series FAUDA is an Israeli production BUT I think it gives a good look at how extensive Israel's "Eye in the Sky" capabilities are and Fauda gives a some what balanced look at what life is like in general for the combatants.
Bear in mind the series shows that the IDF can do no wrong.
Our Guy Tyler Durden has his finger on the pulse of so much that is going on and as usual his comments section for this article is loaded with a bounty of pure gold.
Here's one right at the top.....
11 hours ago
(Edited)Reminder that Benjamin Netanyahu's birth name is MileikowskyHis father Benzion Mileikowsky was a Polish-born Russian ZionistHe changed his name to Netanyahu to fool people into thinking he's a Hebrew semite

[how stereotypical]

Dr. De-licious
11 hours agoHe was a furniture salesman.

[how stereotypical]

10 hours ago
(Edited)Was the furniture made out of repurposed wooden doors from the Auschwitz "gas chambers"?

[how stereotypical]
I will definitely give that a watch in the next 30 days.
Maybe that’s part of my self studied G E Uish studies?