Deezer Shoove » Today, 6:50 am » wrote: ↑
Seems to me it will forever be an awkward aspect of society. If for no other reason than
people cannot read minds.
Personally I lean toward what you are saying: I don't believe people should be "forced" to like somebody else.
They can call it "acceptance" if they want but it really is merely "tolerating someone". The worst thing ever...
Just like saying it's racism because you want to be with your own kind,
you are now homophobic because you don't want to be around queers.
Is society better as a whole for this new segment of look-at-me-but-don't-stare people?
Cannot read a brain and a brain can train itself to hide its body language, and a mind defines itself by what a person's character is portrayed cradle to grave.
The ideology typecasts the ancestor into the character they want to die for is the reason a person won't accept all they been since conceived playing 6 degrees of self deception, 5 generation gaps, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, as alive cradle to grave not counting the 0-9 months since conceived by genetics eternally separating each reproduction adapting to the moment in the atmosphere now.