Blackvegetable » Today, 6:33 am » wrote: ↑
Trump Says a Recession Might Be Worth the Cost. Economists Disagree.President Trump and his advisers say his policies may cause short-term pain but will produce big gains over time. Many economists are skeptical of those arguments. ... ation.html
Bombs Away: Trump Has the I.Q. of an Inbred Tanning Bed, Says a Liberated Gary Cohn
In his 58 years on earth, Gary Cohn has likely run into an idiot here or there. Whether it was a classmate in his Ohio hometown, a wise guy on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange, or a Goldman Sachs employee with whom he would cross paths again later in life, it’s unlikely Cohn would have been able to fully inoculate himself from people of lesser intelligence, or to refrain from letting them know exactly what he thought of their s--t for brains. But apparently, whatever run-ins with not-so-bright individuals he had suffered prior to November 2016, they were nothing compared to the stone-cold, mind-blowing, we’ve-never-seen-an-I.Q.-in-the-single-digits-before levels of stupidity he experienced upon accepting a job with the Trump administration ... -gary-cohn
No sweat....Grifty's got this.
Right, rubes?
So **** g'ddammned stupid
recessions are a necessary evil and realistically unavoidable in the cycles of economics..."trees don't grow to the sky", brown...
JuCo 5 percenter...
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”
"Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened."
brown's unheeded words of wisdom