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Yesterday 10:55 am
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31,204 posts
Fateous Von Flumperous 101 ...aka... how to cuck the cuckies. :LOL:  
1 year ago all the cuckies were cucking & praising Lil Zelly and Ukraine.
Now, suddenly, Lil Zelly is corrupt and evil. 

Flumpy and Lil Wetback Marco blame Zelly and Putin....why?...cuz Cuckies are gullible as ****.

Why cant Flumpist ever just be honest....just tell the truth.
The West started a proxy war with Russia....and took an *** raping.  Putin won - move on crybabies :wave:  
But no, Flump lies and obfuscates just like Old Bidey.....very little difference in these Sky Screamers. 
Both are Empire *** trying to salvage a dying empire.  

FLUMPY!!!! :die:  
Updated 2 minutes ago
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