Most of those killed were uninfected, but the government policy pays the farmer for every chicken they kill, whether they were sick or not. So farmers get a huge government check whenever they kill huge numbers of chickens as they did. And foolish libs like you think that's the best way to handle the problem, don't you?
Ever hear of survival of the fittest?
A far better way would be to work with nature and kill ONLY the chickens that have been proven to have the bird flu. Killing them all eliminates the healthy ones along with the sick. If the healthy chickens that are resistant to the flu are left to continue laying eggs, those birds that hatch will likely be more resistant to the flu when the weaker ones die off. It's called Natural Selection in nature, and it works exactly the same in humans. When we contract a virus and recover from it, our body has created the anti-bodies that ward off that same virus in the future. How do you think we've wiped out so many diseases in humans over the last 100 years?
The current policy is idiotic, and will NEVER result in eliminating the bird flu, but gullible liberals refuse to consider any alternative to their ignorance.