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Today 12:46 pm
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Majik » 19 Dec 2023, 9:15 am » wrote: So, now satan is responsible ...
And not the hateful, inhumane and  brutal actions of Netanayhu and his extreme right Zionist coalition against the civilliian population  of Gaza? 
While the world watches in horror...
Do you know why I am an anti-Zionist Jew.....and highly critical of Israel ?
Because as you rightly  put it most of the world is Ignorant and cannot distinguish between Zionist's and non-Zionist Jews of the Diaspora. 
So, when the Zionists in  Israel does evil **** it affects the entire Diaspora in every country we reside in...on the planet.
Which is why you see a rise in hate towards all Jews globally ....

The civilian population elected Hamas to lead them......seems like they've gotten what they voted for.
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