nefarious101 » Yesterday, 11:56 am » wrote: ↑
You know me....I profess love, healing and nonpartisan understanding of the politics that divides us all.
I am totally against name calling unless it's done with a flair of class, style and clearly aimed at a deserving ****.
What would Jesus do?....well, as an agent of truth, justice and the American way I will tell you what he would do...
I'll leave it at that and let the suspense build for a while
I'm the same way, except my filters are a bit tattered...
Awhile back the wife and I were driving into town and I got behind a loathsome slower than speed limit left could see it was an old blue hair by the few tufts sticking out above the headrest...needless to say I started barking and the wife started berating me about how she's an old woman, blah, blah, blah...
she asks, "What do you think Jesus would say?"
I replied, "He'd agree and say the same thing!"
JuCo 5 percenter...
“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime”
"Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened."
brown's unheeded words of wisdom