ROG62 » 48 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
I'm the same way, except my filters are a bit tattered...
Awhile back the wife and I were driving into town and I got behind a loathsome slower than speed limit left could see it was an old blue hair by the few tufts sticking out above the headrest...needless to say I started barking and the wife started berating me about how she's an old woman, blah, blah, blah...
she asks, "What do you think Jesus would say?"
I replied, "He'd agree and say the same thing!"

Jesus generally knows what he's talking about....and thank god you were there to express his thoughts.
He's also tells you that a good pop in the mouth will calm the unwanted female expression...
you know what the bible says, "Keep Them Bitches In Line!"....I forget the exact verse but it's all good!