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Yesterday 4:53 pm
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ROG62 » Today, 3:28 pm » wrote: Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle...

The Brief
    • Sen. Nicole Mitchell (DFL-Woodbury) is facing an additional charge in the alleged burglary of her stepmother's home in Becker County.
    • Mitchell is charged with having possession of burglary or theft tools after investigators found she used a crowbar to break into her stepmother's home.
    • Mitchell was able to get her burglary trial delayed until after the legislative session. ... e-burglary

The DFL hasn't been eager in demands of Eichorn's resignation as they dismissed demanding the resignation of Mitchell "at least until after the legislative session..."
WOW ….   BUTWHATABOUT conflating burglary with a pedophile ?

I took a look

age of consent in MN is 16

so the perv was going after a girl 15 or younger 

You have (like most of the country) PDS

Partisan  Derangement Syndrome 

this is a perfect example of why

this country is ****
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