ConservativeWave » 9 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
the Constitution is CLEAR...
1) "We the People" are in charge... the UN-elected Bureaucrats (and ONE Party) are NOT,
2) The Bill of Rights define the RIGHTS of "We the People"... and CAN NOT be BASTARDIZED by Politicians,
3) Judges are NOT in control... THEY should be assuring that Executive and Legislative branches ARE !
What we are seeing today is a BASTARDIZATION of EVERYTHING... INCLUDING Right & Wrong, Good & Bad, and LUST & UN-Just... and Donald Trump is going to FIX it... with the COMPLETE support of the American people...
Democrats are SCREWED, and THEY are going DOWN !! THEY THINK they can still regain power... BUT, with less than 30% approval, a LANDSLIDE Republican Presidential election win, and with Democrats REFUSING to come BACK to REALITY... THEY are History !!
You are absolutely correct the constitution is clear humans have to believe now isn't eternity every day. very ancestral lineage ever developed from black, brown, yellow, red, white skin pigmentation in male or female ancestral position never same total sum chromosomes in each ancestral lineage of up to 5 generation gaps inhabiting space same days of a week..........
Equal time alive doesn't grant equal outcomes living day in and day out of life never same results twice. Evolving sustains eternal balances achieved so far.
Life doesn't exceed time living here as ancestral positioned in specific generation gap since date of conception. Circle logic corrupts the cycles living here now.