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Today 12:44 pm
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13,278 posts
I pissed off Sumela - he's so angry at what I write, he can only respond with cartoon characters. I'm sure he's already told Putin to put the hit on me.
I pissed off Mrkelly - he wants to help the Houthis launch ballistic missiles at my private compound. And, he's a dippy-hippie.
I pissed off Cannonpointer - he told me to get off the dope.  And, I've never even been on dope!  I hate dope......and dopes.
I pissed off Sole Result - he called me shallow, or something like that - you know, one of his paper-box origami words.

I suppose I understand why I was voted "MOST LIKELY TO PISS OFF THE WRONG ****" in High School. 
Updated 4 minutes ago
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