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jerra b
Yesterday 2:59 pm
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HarperLee » 11 minutes ago » wrote: And?

Connelly said 3 shots
So did Warren

And they concluded Oswald made three shots
no way could he have shot that fast.

ernor C~~~AI.LY. It n-as a very brief span of time; oh, I would have to say a matter of seconds. I don’t know. 10, 12 seconds. It xvas extremely rapid, so much so that again I thought that \vhoerer was firing must be firing with an automatic riile because of the rapidity of the shots ; a very short period of time. Mr. SPECTER. What was your impression then as to the source of the shot? Governor COSSALLY. From back over my right shoulder which, again, was where immediately when I heard the first shot I identified the sound as coming back over my right shoulder. Mr. SPECTER. At an elevation? Governor COSXALLY. At an elevation. I would have guessed at an elevation. Mr. SPECTER. Excuse me. Governor COXSALLY. Veil, that is all. Mr. SPECTER. Did you have an impression as to the source of the third shot? Governor CONNALLY. The same. I would say the same. Mr. SPECTER. How fast was the President’s automobile proceeding at that time? Governor COSSALLY. I would guess between 20 and 22 miles an hour, and it is a guess because I didn’t look at the speedometer. but I would say in that range. Mr. SPECTER. Did President Kennedy make any statement during the time of the shooting or immediately prior thereto? Governor COS?JALL~. He never uttered a sound at all that I heard. Mr. SPECTER. Did Mrs. Kennedy state anything at that time? Governor COSSALLY. Yes; I have to-1 would say it was after the third shot
Updated 4 minutes ago
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