1,910 posts
Zeets2 » Today, 10:08 am » wrote: ↑
Stick your phony "respect" where the sun don't shine, ******!
I am NOT in support of a warmongering foreign policy, and the proof you've already acknowledged in the past is that I've been against ANY action against Russia to support the corrupt country of Ukraine! But I AM 100% against ANY country or faction that thinks they can attack us without severe consequences. If YOU want to support terrorism throughout the Middle East because you're a stereotypical Jew-hater, that's your business and your ignorance, cupcake!
And I'll keep right on defending this country EVERY TIME some piss-ant country that you love so much thinks they can attack us with impunity without paying the ultimate price!
Who has attacked us? Should I load all of my AK47 rifles?