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23 Mar 2025 12:34 am
23 Mar 2025 12:34 am
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
36,378 posts
RebelGator » Yesterday, 4:31 pm » wrote: Whine, mothertrucker, whine......Dore is a stinkin' Yankee, right?

You pukes that are stealing from SS are crying the most. Image
You stupid ****. Dore endorsed Trump. Dore defended Trump. Dore is not a partisan hack like you. If you had WATCHED the media before commenting on it, you would be concerned that Trump is coming after YOUR social security, you ***. He is still funding Ukraine, still funding Israel, and looking to STOP funding your social security and Medicaid, from the looks of it. 

I have DEFENDED DOGE against Mr. Kelly in other threads, and challenged him to show me one area where DOGE is a threat to the general public. Well,mother ****, he sure as hell put up. 

Here is Dore getting thrown under the bus by libtards for endorsing Trump, you gee-gawing little simp:
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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