ROG62 » Today, 1:28 am » wrote: ↑
he did the same thing the democrats did on voter drop boxes when the GOP wanted them dropped...
"****** too poor to get ID"
"old people can't do this online"
"****** to poor to get to voting booth"
"old people can't get to SSI office" and when they get there, "no one works there anymore, so lines are forever"
yet he didn't show all the things in writing or video that have been done to cause this so called chaos...
1. He read their own internal memo actually planning for precisely what is described.
2. He gave the specific number of visits SSA currently manages, and he showed by SSA's own numbers a 14% expected increase.
3. The memo said that staff cuts are inevitable, while traffic is going up.
4. It is a fact - not a racist trope - that older people are less adept on computers.
5. He never played the race card - YOU did.
ROG62 » Today, 1:28 am » wrote: ↑
maybe it's just the fact that the HEAD of the SSA, not the woman he talked about, are cleaning up the SSI benefit rolls and asking people to verify who they really are ensuring everyone getting benefits is alive and legitimately receiving them...
I watched the claims about names of 300 year olds being on the list. It was **** on its face. When did a 300 year old get a SS number, when the program is less than a hundred years old? The claims have been debunked as the **** they were on their face. The "problem" that leads to the "solution" is "manufactured" and "fake."
When they start using fake problems to cover for their "solution" to the fake problems, your *** is being greased, son. And you ought to be able to discern that.
Here's a snippet from an AP article that has a **** of a lot more credibility than the campfire stories Trump And Elon were raising hairs on our necks with: ... 15b4852cf7
A July 2024 report from Social Security’s inspector general states that from fiscal years 2015 through 2022, the agency paid out almost $8.6 trillion in benefits, including $71.8 billion — or less than 1% — in improper payments. Most of the erroneous payments were overpayments to living people.
In addition, in early January, the U.S. Treasury clawed back more than $31 million in a variety of federal payments— not just Social Security payments— that improperly went to dead people, a recovery that former Treasury official David Lebryk said was “just the tip of the iceberg.”
The money was reclaimed as part of a five-month pilot program after Congress gave the Department of Treasury temporary access to the Social Security Administration’s “Full Death Master File” for three years as part of the omnibus appropriations bill in 2021. The SSA maintains the most complete federal database of individuals who have died, and the file contains more than 142 million records, which go back to 1899, according to the Treasury.
You want to notice that the issue was already being handled, and you want to notice that most of the waste was overpayments to living people that are already being clawed back. I can testify to that, as I was overpaid 3k the first year I claimed benefits and had to pay it back.
ROG62 » Today, 1:28 am » wrote: ↑
I understand he's not a partisan hack, but at time he sounds a bit Sternish...sorry...
When your fact check includes inventing things to refute him with - like *** cannot use computers, - he starts to sound pretty unimpeachable, to me.
I know the difference between **** and shinola - and I do not STOP knowing the difference just because I voted for the people slinging the ****.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science
You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.
Who cuts off your dick is not your friend
An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.
Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.
When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.
Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.
If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?