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23 Mar 2025 1:22 pm
23 Mar 2025 1:22 pm
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Cannonpointer » 58 minutes ago » wrote: 1. He read their own internal memo actually planning for precisely what is described.
2. He gave the specific number of visits SSA currently manages, and he showed by SSA's own numbers a 14% expected increase.
3. The memo said that staff cuts are inevitable, while traffic is going up.
4. It is a fact - not a racist trope - that older people are less adept on computers.
5. He never played the race card - YOU did.

I watched the claims about names of 300 year olds being on the list. It was **** on its face. When did a 300 year old get a SS number, when the program is less than a hundred years old? The claims have been debunked as the **** they were on their face. The "problem" that leads to the "solution" is "manufactured" and "fake."

When they start using fake problems to cover for their "solution" to the fake problems, your *** is being greased, son. And you ought to be able to discern that.

Here's a snippet from an AP article that has a **** of a lot more credibility than the campfire stories Trump And Elon were raising hairs on our necks with:

You want to notice that the issue was already being handled, and you want to notice that most of the waste (LESS THAN 1%) was overpayments to living people that are already being clawed back. I can testify to that, as I was overpaid 3k the first year I claimed benefits and had to pay it back.

When your fact check includes inventing things to refute him with - like *** cannot use computers, - he starts to sound pretty unimpeachable, to me.

I know the difference between **** and shinola - and I do not STOP knowing the difference just because I voted for the people slinging the ****.
you believe the A/P article? oh wow, you do know it's owned by the Joos, right?

that aside as I was just giving you some ****, you're right, the 300 yo thing is baseless, albeit Jay Valentine's Fractal analysis of voter rolls, has registered voters well into the triple digit category, so I wouldn't be surprised as SSI started 90 years ago and The first monthly payment was issued on January 31, 1940 to Ida May Fuller at 65... ... ted_States

if she were still on the books, she'd be 150...

as far as the 1%'s concerned? that's what's KNOWN...
Image JuCo 5 percenter... “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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