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23 Mar 2025 2:40 pm
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Vegas » Today, 12:45 pm » wrote: Before answering, take a moment to think objectively. It's easy to default to party loyalty—Democrats may be quick to defend, Republicans may be eager to declare collapse. But honest reflection goes deeper than tribal politics. Look at what the facts suggest. Then decide on where you see the trajectory is going for the Democrat party.

I personally say yes. This is it for them.  Not because I loathe that party or I have some bias. My reasons are as follows: 
  • With the rise of social media and advancements in technology,  the public has been able to see more of what has been going on over the past few decades with that party. We couldn't before. We could only speculate and yell at each other. Transparency has not been good for the democrat party. Yes, this transparency has not shed great light on the Repubs either, but the nucleus of the cancer cell appears to harbor the democrats and Jews. 
  • Americans have grown weary of war. It's all our country does. We go to war somewhere at any time we want. The democrats want to continue the war with Ukraine and Russia, while providing no good justification. Since the birth of nation, 249 years ago, we have only known 17 years of peace. This means, that as Americans, our minds have lived under a government that uses war to shape our way of life. We don't know any different. However, Americans are mentally drained from it. Yet, the dems want to continue it. 
  • Americans are patient and kind, overall. Most of the time. However, they have also grown weary of the hypocrisy. The dems have preached tolerance, love, and equality for decades. Yet, most of the violence in the streets are perpetrated by them. They came up with cancel culture. They made it acceptable to hate anyone who doesn't agree with them. Americans are done with that ****. 
These are my reasons. It's not because I am biased. These are the facts. 
Your multiple choice options don't include the actual results taking place.
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