No. I was Nancy Regan's Druggie-hit-man. I was going to say I was Nancy Regan on steroids, but I never did steroids. And, other than alcohol, which I hardly ever drink anymore, I never did any recreational drugs.
Recreational drugs, AND legal drugs prescribed by psychiatrists are rotting this country from the inside out. They make people lazy, unable to work, unproductive, wards of the state and in many cases violent criminals. Personally, I think drug addicts should be doped up to their heart's content, strapped to beds with IV drip lines, and locked away in warehouses until they expire. As part of my anti-drug campaign, I'd make sure that their zombie-like existences are documented on youtube and other platforms.
Before you call me an "anti-drug" fascist, I acknowledge and own this;
I know what I am.