*Huey » 24 Mar 2025, 2:53 pm » wrote: ↑
Don't get your hopes up. BV has ONE (maybe) real life fight as an adult. He won't fight you because you will probably hurt him, he can't control the situation, and he probably won't be able to instigate you to start it. THat is important because suddenly you are in a self defense situation, he gets the charges, and his name then becomes part of the public record.
I say he maybe had one fight because in a fight he managed to get a no skill loser to start he managed to get pepper sprayed. He then forgot he did. For years the clown claimed he NEVER had an adult fight and then he suddenly remember he was pepper sprayed.
Two things you don't forget If they happen to you. Pepper Spray and CS gas.
Does wiping your eyes after cutting habanero peppers count as Pepper Spray? You can ask my wife about the time I was cutting Jalapenos and didn't get the oil off my hands before....