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jerra b
Yesterday 12:46 pm
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HarperLee » Today, 5:11 am » wrote: Whose scrapping Medicaid?


Among the ways the Republican budget plans propose to pay for these wasteful tax cuts for the wealthy is to cut programs that help working-class Americans remain financially secure. The programs at risk of suffering some of the greatest cuts include Medicaid ($880 billion cut), which ensures 72 million people, or more than 1 in 5 Americans, are able to obtain health care, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ($230 billion cut), which helps 42 million people, or more than 1 in 8 Americans, avoid going hungry. In the end, these cuts would kick millions of Americans off of both safety net programs while also slashing the benefits, such as long-term care, available to enrollees. Put another way, cuts to these two programs alone could be roughly equivalent to the total net tax cut for the top 1 percent of earners.
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