LowIQTrash » Today, 2:02 am » wrote: ↑
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... enrichment
- Crash the economy sometime in 2nd half of tRumP’s term
- Offer a “job” fighting WW3 to the 18% of unemployed 18-35 yr olds
- [Ensure the false flag isn’t a complete joke or ruse]
Remember folks, you heard it here first…18+ months in advance
I also believe
@FOS said that the tiny Hats wanted to start a war with Iran sometime b4 Trump leaves office.
Yeah, its gearing up in the West. War is all they have left. As you know well, NeoLiberalism
NEEDS WAR to survive.
Check this out....
Thomas Fazi@battleforeurope
Germany missed the electric vehicle train,
so now it’s placing its bets on something it knows a bit better — war.