Skans » 25 Mar 2025, 3:08 pm » wrote: ↑
Look, Boomers. Your social security is gone. Your elected officials and their appointed staffers spent it all decades ago. You're problem, not the younger generation's problem.
If you spent all your money on Fruitcakes, Ponzi Scams and Blow how is that anyone else's problem? You F-ed around, now you're just going to starve. Die a little earlier than you may have planned. I don't see the problem.
So, Boomers, I'm cutting y'all off. Butch-up and get back to work...... or starve. No more Social Security Ponzi Scam. Y'all are
You want free education and medicare for all?
Isn't that just Social Security paid at an earlier age?
What essentially is the difference? Pay up ****.
Please seat yourself.
I like the very things you hate.