When all else fails you can always defend the honor of those who are stealing from our system, building the ranks of your party with Illegal Aliens and aggressively forcing your queer agenda upon our kids.......Blackvegetable » 8 minutes ago » wrote: ↑ Americans are increasingly anxious about their jobs and finances as the Trump administration’s trade policies and government cutbacks stoke concern about the economy.
Consumer confidence tumbled this month to its lowest level since January 2021, the Conference Board reported on Tuesday, extending a decline that has been underway since shortly after President Trump was elected last fall. The short-term outlook for “income, business and labor market conditions” fell to its lowest reading in 12 years, the business group reported, signaling consumer angst about a deterioration in economic conditions in the coming year.
https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/25/busi ... trump.html