By Fit2Serve:
I just wanted to add (after reading through this "what is a Liberal" string) that this statement by BluDog: "
The true meaning of Liberal is someone who is in favor of progressive ideas and not adverse to jettisoning the means and institutions of the past.
Being Liberal, in many ways, means being pragmatic..... In favor of doing what works and moving on if it doesn't." a fair representation / summation of the MAIN difference between being on the "LEFT" vs. being on the RIGHT.
As I suggested in my initial post in this message string, being a "LEFTIST" means being UNAFRAID to CONTINUALLY CHALLENGE every American societal conviction, or supposition, or cultural "norm", to establish whether our communal long-held beliefs and widely-held human conceptions can stand up under the microscope of reason and pass the Viability Test as related to the Real World. Although we "liberals" or "Leftists" generally have the same normal, human fears, worries, and doubts as everyone else who would attempt to step outside the constraints of "normalcy", the Leftist is always the first to stare right into the face of possible failure or public mockery or worse to achieve something greater. The LEFTIST is the person who takes-on controversial topics, taboos, and issues as a means to evolve our society, and most times, it is that same society that presents the hardest obstacle to those changes. This constant push-back against all forms of evolutionary change from the CONSERVATIVE RIGHT occurs because at some level, EVERY human being is resistant to change, in all its forms. ///////Even when the immediate POSITIVE benefits of a change are apparent even to the uneducated mind, evident and undeniable at the simplest level, some folks will STILL fight against that change....because of FEAR. Perhaps the best advantage the Leftist has over the Conservative is a better ability to deal with our own self-realized FEAR.
Sadly, without the benefit of Progressive ideas and thought processes, homo sapiens would have never left their caves or stopped fearing the lightning and the thunder.
Without LEFTISM, or Progressivism, the Renaissance never happens.Without Progressivism, our human culture's advancement of music, arts, mathematics, and the entire gamut of individual disciplinary sciences never evolve past the (accidental) discovery of fire, and the PROGRESSIVE idea to develop Man's ability to CONTROL that fire.Think back on our own human history.......just over the last 3-5 centuries.....what has been the Conservative RIGHT's parroted knee-jerk response to virtually EVERY Progressive-led societal advancement, from the first crude Iron Age simple chemical reactions that Man dabbled with and all the way up to the present, to today, as Man comes closer to creating Life in the lab from nothing but heat, chemicals, pressure, and time and is now genetically altering our own genes and extending the human lifespan?What about proving Life exists outside our own planet? We are poised to do ALL these things inside the next 20 years. For over 1000 years, the instant response from the terrified Conservative Religious RIGHT at each inch of progress has been accomplished has been the SAME OLD FEAR-MONGERING NONSENSE...and it continues, even today:
> SATAN must be behind that accursed idea!> You are consorting with the Devil!
> You are offending God, himself!> You are tampering with things reserved ONLY for God!> You will go to HELL for daring to ask that question, for doing that experiment, for splitting that atom, for cloning that sheep, for attempting to break the sound barrier, for allowing two females or two males to marry!
> You are BLASPHEMING God!
> What you are doing/saying/suggesting/thinking about is an ABOMINATION...and APOSTACY! The RIGHT has obstructed virtually EVERY OUNCE and INCH OF HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT.Sadly, that is their ONLY modus operandi....they are truly One-Trick Geldings.Is it their fault, really? Is it a conscious motive...some strange need to keep interfering with all forms of human success, with all human accomplishment, and with REASON, itself? Not really...because any person who foolishly constrains or shackles themselves to ANY kind of rigid, anti-thought/anti-courage/anti-science discipline or ideology... is inevitably doomed to be left behind by those around him who keep moving forward. The Conservative is destined to be rudely dumped on the ash-heap of all human progress. This is why the RED States do NOT receive a penny on the dollar of Investment Capital when compared to the Blue States.
This is why the ENTIRE Bible Belt from the east Texan border to the State of Florida continually suffers the WORST rates of Teen Pregnancy, the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS Infections, the largest number of STD Transmissions, and lags behind the rest of the Nation in dealing with or overcoming every other American societal ill, trailing only the tiny District of Columbia in experiencing these ignorance-driven problems. Out here in the Golden State, and specifically, here in the Greater Bay Area, this is where the Cradle of Human Creation constantly reinvigorates itself, as this area leads the World in both scientific and technological accomplishment, and draws the brightest minds and ideas on the entire planet. But....Why? the answer should be self-evident,at this point......when you consider that Conservatives can't even get a seat at the ever-evolving Table of All Human Accomplishment, due to their core ideological self-imposed mental constraints and their fatal flaw: a stubborn refusal to RISK anything of real merit to chance upon stepping one inch towards doing or accomplishing something truly life-changing.