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20 Jul 2020 5:12 am
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BlueDevil » 18 Jul 2020, 1:16 pm » wrote: At 5:20

"My heart break for the disabled"

He doesn't understand something as simple as subject-verb agreement.  

Do we need any other explanation on why black America is failing.  Their leaders fail 3rd grade English.
I for one, easily understood everything Lewis said ...  Both the letter and spirit of it.   More than that, I thought his speech was powerful and eloquent.

And all that stood out to you were a few grammatical errors? 

1 Nomination

SJConspirator Jul 20, 2020

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KFSW » 20 Jul 2020, 3:45 pm » wrote: SkewsTurd....moron

these morons think
No, son.


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KFSW Jul 20, 2020

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deezershoove » 19 Jul 2020, 3:10 pm » wrote: Yes. I would have to see it again to make sure I remember it correctly.
It was kind of long and confusing.
You can read it for free at archive.org

Here's a link https://archive.org/details/TheUniverse ... n/mode/2up

There's also a free audiobook on YouTube. I have not listened to it yet, so I can neither recommend it or warn against it.


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Cannonpointer Jul 20, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 19, 2020 7:56pm
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22 Jul 2020 12:26 pm
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Olivaw » 19 Jul 2020, 6:20 pm » wrote: Does KFSW live in the beautiful suburbs of Russia or does he dream of living in the beautiful suburbs of Russia?

https://www.calvertjournal.com/images/u ... w/04_1.jpg
American suburbs required, and continue to require, massive amounts of carbon emissions to sustain. From the roadwork and laying of asphalt & concrete to the extreme automobile dependency, the level of resources extracted from the environment and then allocated to suburbs have been nothing short of phenomenal.

Plus, as many of your cohorts have noted, suburbs are typically majority white. That sounds very racist and severely lacking in diversity.

You don't sound like you care much about the two issues you claim to care about.

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KFSW Jul 22, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 22, 2020 12:25pm
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nuckinfutz » 22 Jul 2020, 8:20 pm » wrote:
duck615 » 22 Jul 2020, 8:15 pm » wrote: Stop sucking so many dicks, maybe that stain will go away...
Hmmm. Why is it you never reveal anything about your self?

Got something your hiding?
He reveals every day that he is an empty vessel.

1 Nomination

DennisTheMenace Jul 23, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 23, 2020 11:43am
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23 Jul 2020 10:25 am
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sootedupCyndi » 21 Jul 2020, 2:39 am » wrote: Better yet. I have a better idea. I'll send Fama for me. Then she can get in trouble instead of me.   Image   Image   Image   Image   It was a riot really.. Because at the time. everyone was going back and forth... so all of a sudden. It would quiet here. And I thought whats going on? I'd go there. and everyone was there. Then it would get quiet there.. i'd come back here.. and everyone was back here. Image   Image   Image   Image  I was getting a bit dizzy.
 One more point. If fools is trying to convince Huey… I'm so Evil... evil Image  I pretty sure Huey would laugh. he may along.. but he'd laugh.

I was giving kfools top quality content, and then he banned me because he got pissed.

He got pissed because we banned strain hedge. Clearly, he had a dog in that fight. Strain hedge was his proxy over here, going after isabel. But I never quite got what his investment was, there. I think it likely that he had projected some vicious motives onto isabel, and that he wasn't able to depersonalize it enough to consider any interpretations other than the ones that he had invested in. For example, it would never occur to him to ask, just how **** bloody evil WAS this broad that isabel was locking horns with - and just how bad, really, WERE isabel's actions? Those were the two things I felt were missing from his prosecution of her: He didn't fully appreciate who she was opposing, and the didn't "give the devil her due" in assessing isabel's conduct - conduct which was rather banal and unexceptional, based on the evidence proffered. A machiavel, she wasn't.

Then, too, strain hedge's "get izzy" role might have been a cover for more nefarious stratagems. In that case, his ire at the ouster would make more sense.

Anyway, he got pissed because we banned strain hedge - so he banned me. I don't think he gave that very much thought - he acted wrathfully. I think that he was particularly steamed to learn that Ronjul was my sok. I have to say, I had a wonderful time giving Ronjul that turn - he was devastating. I approached the bit from a line out of Get Shorty, where vinnie barbarino is explaining to the movie producer how to get respect and lay down the law. And he says something along the lines of, who am I? I'm the guy who is telling you how it is - that's who I am. And so, I said to Ronjul, you are the guy who is telling them how it is.

And I was so happy with the result. You have to always bear in mind, when I go tongue in cheek, in my OCCURRING WORLD, everybody's in on it - everyone knows that it's me. I mean, in Ronjul we have a sok I have used several times in the past - so there's one tell. I've never referred to him as anything except "our entirely fictional outsourced East Indian I.T. guy, Ronjul." That's another tell. The photo is absolutely preposterous - there's another. His siggy is pure americana, AND a play on his Hinduism - another tell that he's not legit. I mean, he has sok written all over him. But as I say, he was propelled by that one beautiful movie line: "I am the guy who is telling you how it is." And he just flew for me. And I flew with him. And it was a very special moment, between me and my sok. It elevated him, for me. He was just an athletic sok, doing mostly janitorial duties (clean up) - and now, I'm looking for matching suspenders, and asking my tailor to lift the hems on my suit pants another quarter inch.

Sorry for the detour - the Ronjul affair just tickled me pink. Anyway, I think it was learning he'd been hoodwinked by my sok that really steamed him - which was never my intention. Ronjul was purely theater, from my perspective. Those familiar with shakespeare understand that he always had a sub-comedy echoing the plot of the history or the tragedy that was the meat of the matter at hand. So if the king was being unfaithful to the people, then the tavern owner would be unfaithful to those over whom he was steward, but in a slapstick way and without the pentameter. Ronjul - who recently had been publicly shamed and fired after a crash and replaced by Jagadeesh - was rehabilitated and trotted out to shake his *** for laughs. But vinnie barbarino's direction gave him such gravitas that very few asked, "who is this guy." He was the guy who was telling them how it is.

So Ronjul fooled kfools - and to kfools, that meant that I had done him dirt. So he banned me. And I haven't any doubt that he has regretted that decision. He gained nothing, and cannot know what he might have lost, in that hasty decision. One of the things I had agreed to do for him was to play Jesus Christ in his hell room, and occasionally redeem someone. The opportunities for puns and cultural allusions are literally endless in such a character - the theater all but writes itself. He had in me a proven work horse, asking nothing but a pasture in which to kick up sod - and he fenced me out, over some silliness. Hindsight can be blinding, I will wager.

Then, too, strain hedge's "get izzy" role might have been a cover for more nefarious stratagems. In that case, his ire at the ouster would make more sense.

1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Jul 23, 2020

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Taipan » 23 Jul 2020, 9:10 pm » wrote: More deflection on your end.
Why are you 'forced'  to have a black V.P.?    Simple.     Racism.       Black racism.
And weak white minds are going to roll with it.
What if Elizabeth Warren, Harvard Law Professor, had the highest qualifications?

She is not considered.   She is discriminated against.....because of  the color
of her skin.      This........is racism.         To discriminate based on skin color.

Have a nice evening...........( you goddamned racist).............
By trying to deflect your own racism onto those who are trying to combat racism, you are engaging in an ongoing lie.  You should just admit you are a racist.  Can you not bring yourself face the truth?

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Coolguy10013 Jul 24, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 23, 2020 10:18pm
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24 Jul 2020 6:16 am
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Choke on it, racists!!!
A Virginia high school named after Confederate war general Robert E. Lee is to be renamed to honor the late civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis.

The Fairfax County School Board voted in favor of the change to go into effect for the 2020-21 school year, according to an announcement Thursday. Board members in the suburban Washington D.C., district voted June 23 to change the school’s name but had been deliberating over a new name for the last few weeks.Board chair Ricardy Anderson said in a statement that the district wanted to choose a name that reflected the school’s multiculturalism after concerns were raised by students, staff and the community over the old name.

 “Rep. Lewis was a champion of the Civil Rights movement, and our Board strongly believes this is an appropriate tribute to an individual who is a true American hero,” Anderson said. “We will also honor his life’s work by continuing to promote equity, justice, tolerance and service in the work that we do.”Lewis died Friday at the age of 80 following a monthslong battle with cancer. The longtime Georgia congressman announced in late December that he was undergoing treatment for stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

The civil rights legend was the last surviving speaker from 1963's March on Washington, but Lewis was arguably best known for helping to lead a group of about 600 across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma on March 7, 1965. Lewis suffered a fractured skull after being beaten by Alabama state troopers on what has since been known as “Bloody Sunday.” 

The decision comes amid reignited conversations about longstanding racial inequalities in the country and weeks of protests and marches to disrupt systemic racism in institutions that have marginalized Black Americans.Activists and politicians have called to take down monuments and dedications to Confederate generals around the country.

One of the board members who proposed the name change, Tamara Derenak Kaufax, said in the release Thursday that Confederate values “do not align with our community.”“Our schools must be places where all students, staff, and members of the community feel safe and supported,” Kaufax said. “I believe that John Lewis’ extraordinary life and advocacy for racial justice will serve as an inspiration to our students and community for generations to come.”

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DennisTheMenace Jul 24, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 24, 2020 2:02pm
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24 Jul 2020 12:33 pm
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Taipan » 24 Jul 2020, 8:37 am » wrote: Good am, Sir,
You are a racist.     Here is why.

You fight for Black-Power. 
After 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, belittlement and discrimination,  US, Blacks need to be given the opportunity to catch up.  However, I fight not for Black Power but equality and the opportunity for a better life than most Blacks have been allowed up to now.
You are willing to spit on, and discriminate, against White People(and other races).
This is a lie.  I have never spit on anyone in my life
You are a liar.
You refuse to treat all people equally.
Another lie.  I always treat everyone equally.
You are a liar.
I will not sink so low as to make up fiction about you.
Black people are proud of the race. 
How naive you are ...  Perhaps on purpose.  Many Black people have been made to feel ashamed by the likes of you.
But in the end, it comes down to individuals.  Like members of other races, some Blacks are proud and others are not.
Racism is ingrained in you to such a degree, that you have trouble separating the individual from his/her race.
But you are ashamed of your race.  You do not
     see equality.
Ha ha ha ha ha.  I am not ashamed of my race in any way, shape, or form.  However, I discount it as relatively unimportant. 
What is important is the individual I am.  White Supremacists like yourself, have little concept of this.
The Olympics.  You cheer for your nation.   But you refuse to cheer for your own
      race.  Blacks will, but you will not.
You live in a world of stereotypes.  And you have no idea what you are talking about. 
I watch sports with interest and an appreciation of grace, power, fluid movement and athleticism.  I rarely cheer for anyone over anyone else, regardless of race, ethnicity or nationality.
You, on the other hand, evidently cheer for your own race.  But I suppose that's standard for a misguided White Supremacist.
You are prejudiced for a black V.P.   You should be racially neutral.
How can you be so wrong, so often?  But you manage it somehow.
I want to get Trump out of the White House.  End of story.  Got it now, White Supremacist?
You are a supporter of the evil, vicious, racist, Black Lives Matter Movement.
To a White Supremacist, Black lives don't matter.
You are a supporter Affirmative Action.  This is racism against White People.
White Supremacists see racism behind every tree and rock.  You are a deluded crybaby, so sensitive and protective of your race, that you are incapable of imagining anyone else having it as bad as you and yours..  And you cannot acknowledge the persecution, deprivation and lynchings that Blacks have had to endure in the USA.  To say nothing of slavery, of which, it sounds like, you are probably nostalgic.
You are a supporter of the racist Kapernick and kneeling at ball games.
Ha ha ha ha ha.  You should be so lucky as to have Colin Kaepernick as the worst of your racial nightmares.  His kneeling offends you?  Ha ha ha ha ha.  What a delicate, injured soul you are.  Seek help.
When the race-war comes, you will fight for the black tribe, because of your racial
      hate for The White Tribe.
Sorry.  There will be no race war.  Despite the fondest hopes of White Supremacists like you.  And every time you dream about the victory of your race, just remember that your kind lost the last race war 150 years ago. 
I want to you to do something for me.  I want you to outgrow your racism and
try to become an intelligent, highly moral, peace-loving, color-blind, non-racist,
highly evolved, enlightened, human being who calls himself..........a Libertarian.
It is unlikely I will ever do anything for you.  You have shown that, sooner or later, you contradict every idea claim to espouse.  You and your ilk are an abomination on the face of America. Contrary to being "highly evolved", you represent a regression into the sordid past.  And contrary to you claim of "peace loving", you long for race war.  You have said it, over and over.   

Sorry to say, but you are a liar, to the core.  You have a persecution complex.  And your extreme prejudices show you to be a destructive person ... To yourself, as well as others.   You would do well to seek help, before it's too late.

1 Nomination

Phelix_Dacat Jul 24, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 24, 2020 1:15pm
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24 Jul 2020 1:11 pm
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bludog » 23 Jul 2020, 4:06 pm » wrote: The best opponent is one who underestimates the enemy.

When selecting a Pres. or V.P.  1st look at the color of the skin.  If it is black, then OK.
But if it is Latino, Asian, Jew, Hindu, or God forbid white....then reject and discriminate
against that person.
Martin Luther King once said, "Do not judge based on the character of the heart,
judge only by looking at the color of the skin.  Black is good and all others must be
discriminated against".
Didn't  MLK say that?             He didn't?       Ohhh.
Hell, I thought MLK would be very proud of the way the Biden and the Dem Party are
picking their V.P.   Don't worry about qualifications.....just pick the V.P. by the color
of skin.  And that color MUST....be black.

Whatever happen to that utopian dream of living in a 'color-blind, non-racist' world?

1 Nomination

deezer shoove Jul 24, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 23, 2020 5:24pm
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progressivecitizen » 03 Jul 2020, 9:32 pm » wrote: Most of their boards disappeared and now I am getting a browser message telling me there's a risk in entering. Was it taken over by trolls? But this seems to be the same site in a way.

Why do you care? Why do you miss it? It's become a neo nazi forum ever since a white supremist racist took it over. If you're not one of those people you have no business being on that site at all. I'm sure the FBI and others monitor it daily. 

1 Nomination

Older Guy Jul 24, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 03, 2020 7:59pm
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JeanMoulin » 25 Jul 2020, 6:47 pm » wrote: Why do you care? Why do you miss it? It's become a neo nazi forum ever since a white supremist racist took it over. If you're not one of those people you have no business being on that site at all. I'm sure the FBI and others monitor it daily. 

1 Nomination

Older Guy Jul 24, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 03, 2020 7:59pm

You say white supremacist like it's a bad thing. :huh:  
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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28 Jul 2020 8:32 am
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Revelation of Steele’s primary source triggers focus on think tank tied to Clinton, Biden

The Obama team's ties to the Brookings Institution are deep, and so are those of impeachment witness Fiona Hill

The revelation that Christopher Steele’s primary sub-source for his dossier was an American resident tied to a liberal think tank close to the Obama administration has triggered new investigative interest.The identification of Igor Danchenko as Steele’s subsource — reported by Real Clear Investigations and then confirmed by Danchenko's lawyer to the New York Times — means Steele’s dossier relied on someone who wasn't based in Russia despite claims to the contrary by the FBI.In at least two of the applications for its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting Trump adviser Carter Page, the FBI referred to the primary sub-source of the document as "truthful and cooperative" and "Russian-based," according to Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz's report last December.
Danchenko also worked for several years until 2010 at the Brookings Institution, a think tank familiar to many in the Obama administration and to one key witness in the impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

https://justthenews.com/accountability/ ... ocus-think

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duck615 Jul 28, 2020

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sooted up Cyndi
28 Jul 2020 8:43 am
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Taipan » 27 Jul 2020, 4:22 pm » wrote: You are sooooo cool.
You can handle any situation !!
You would make a great lawyer.                            
I Was Taipan? I had two cases. I  had two cases at once.. a federal and a civil. I played lawyer. I took out two crooks, and a crooked lawyer who got disbarred? I am a local legend... I don't think I could pull it off again? The two crooks are pushing up daisies... truth is? they say it was from the stress? :loco:  I consider it one on my proudest accomplishments  in my life? I can die in peace? I did what I needed to do.. because it was the right thing to do.. cost me a fortune.. I will never look back. thousands of dollars it cost me.. The money meant nothing!!!.. it was the principle of the entire thing.. I will tell you some day my sweetheart.

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Taipan Jul 28, 2020

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righteous » 28 Jul 2020, 5:21 pm » wrote:  ANTIFA *** using a court order preventing Feds from taking action against the Press. They are holding cameras calling themselves Journalists.   

Infowars ain’t what it used to be, ever since AJ claimed that school shooting victims are “crisis actors”.  

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Olivaw Jul 27, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 28, 2020 4:48pm
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28 Jul 2020 6:41 pm
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I love how the russian government is set up for the president to be the strong guy and the pm to be the figure head - until it isn't. And then is again. And then isn't again.


The balls on the guy - how nice would it be to have an actual man in the white house? The last one who even PRETENDED to be a man called his wife, "Mommy."

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KFSW Jul 28, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 28, 2020 6:40pm
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29 Jul 2020 10:27 am
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AnnoyedLiberall » 29 Jul 2020, 9:22 am » wrote: That's the truth they don't want to hear.

As I am watching most of the protests from afar thru what the MSM wants me to see color me crazy but it seems there are more white's protesting and rioting than any other race or ethnic group.  Yes, there are blacks as well but it seems the issues in places like Seattle and Portland are mostly young whites run amok.  The are plenty of peaceful protesters of many races.  Whatever movement they are representing has been hijacked by others with a different agenda.

I know we have discussed this before but immediately following Floyd that there was a helluva lot of unity in this country.  Right and left, black and white, cops and non cops agreed what happened was despicable.  But, those with other agendas moved in and we are where we are at now.  

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Annoyed Liberall Jul 29, 2020

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Speaking of the Turd Family Robinshart, young Barron Trump’s school will not, it turns out, be reopening in the fall, because doing so would be unsafe; we are in the middle of a pandemic, you see. Your children are not to be given the same consideration of course, no, your families are to be conscripted into President Crotchrot’s re-election campaign, as extras in their Busby Berkeley spectacular, “Everything Is So Very Normal, We Promise!” and no, the campaign will not reimburse any funeral costs, not even the child coffins even though they’re smaller.

http://showercapblog.com/welp-guess-wer ... ooj-today/


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bludog Jul 29, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 29, 2020 10:54am
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KFSW » 31 Jul 2020, 1:27 pm » wrote: It will be The Golden Calf
I don't know how old you are (I'm assuming 45-50), but I was an avid Internet user back in the mid 90's. AOL, Kazaa, and all that **** Boomers can only dream of using back when you needed to not be a complete tech-retard. (My apologies if you are a Boomer, but you get my implied message)

I distinctly remember how decentralized the Internet was back then. I had 10-15 sites I would visit and content was completely uncensored.

Thanks to all this consolidation (inevitable under capitalism if you read Karl Marx - I'm not a Marxist, but I do agree with his tenet that centralization of "market players" is inevitable unless the gubmint steps up to the plate), we are now exposed to the same garbage opinions rehashed over and over by the (((MAINSTREAM MEDIA))) and its online counterparts.

LiberalForum.net is one of the few diamonds left in the rough - a dinosaur in the post-Cretaceous era. The sad part is how many stupid people voice their opinions here, but alas, it is still preferable to the alternative - bunch of Karens and soy boys screaming on social media about how "millions of Americans are going to die if we don't throw 15 million people out of work!"

That's why I NEVER use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms catering to low IQ morons. Even LinkedIn is becoming intolerable with those "inspirational stories" about how some CEO gets up at 5 AM, runs a half-marathon, and finishes his morning routine within 2 hours every day, and that everyone who doesn't do the same is a failure. Image  

Sorry I needed to get that off my chest, you may resume your regularly scheduled program now.

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KFSW Jul 31, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 31, 2020 3:28pm
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31 Jul 2020 4:41 pm
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Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote:
GeorgeWashington » 30 Jul 2020, 3:33 pm » wrote: Is your preferred news not reporting the 99% survival rate?
Let’s stick to scientific and medical sources.
I have posted only scientific and medical sources.  
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: I’ll leave the selection of “preferred” news to those of you who have pledged fealty to the current president of the United States or Russia.
Are you putting yourself in the "pledged fealty to the current president of the United States or Russia" camp? 

After all, It was you that selected your preferred source and posted a link with the CFR being nearly 10%, while I merely called **** on the tinfoil hat scare mongering.  
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote:  John Hopkins published a Mortality chart which uses CFR. it corresponds with the earlier link I provided because it uses the same data.

No, the link you posted earlier had the CFR at 9.92%, which is why I called it tinfoil hat fear mongering propoganda. See below:
Olivaw » 29 Jul 2020, 1:49 pm » wrote:
Mortality rate is 3.43%
Case Fatality Rate is 9.92%

Please justify your figures. Bonus points if you identify the long term health problems associated with COVID-19.
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: Will you now claim that John Hopkins is also fear mongering
I never claimed the CFR of 3.4% from JH was ****.  I called **** on your amateur tally which had it at 9.9%
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote:
or will you accept the truth?
Stop projecting. I have done nothing to call my character into question. Keep that bag of **** in your lap, thanks.
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote:
CFR is calculated by dividing deaths by the number of confirmed cases of the disease COVID-19.. It’s based on hard medical data.  It offers an expert a figure for the average persons odds of death after a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis.
Wrong again. CFR cannot offer an expert a figure for the average person's odds of death after a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, because CFR does not include infenctions of average people.  It includes confirmed cases only, and we both know there are more cases than confirmed.   
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: It’s currently 3.4% but an individuals odds depends on age, fitness, health care etc. Anyone who claims this metric to be **** betrays a poor understanding of it.
Ok.. is it 3.4% or 9.9%? Are you stepping back from your previous 9.9% propganda spew?
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: IFR is calculated by dividing deaths by the estimated number of individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2. The number is lower because, as I assume you know,  some individuals are asymptomatic Uncertainty lies in estimating the number of infected individuals due to the shortcomings of past antibody tests and the factors mentioned above.
Did you know that flu infections are estimated to be 200x greater than confirmed numbers, and this estimate is what's given to the public and used by policy makers?  
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: So which is right? I’d be willing to accept that the data may suggest that the odds of death are below 1% if one is asymptomatic but the odds are above 3% if one is diagnosed with COVID-19.
So far, nearly every study I have found has the IFR at <= 1%
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: Ducky and Trump have yet to address the long term health effects on those who survive and the evidence (inconclusive) that immunity may be short lived.
SARS-COV-1 immunity lasts from 12-24 months. Why would you assume this is any different?
Olivaw » 30 Jul 2020, 9:23 pm » wrote: 150,000 dead Americans later and some people still refuse to accept the severity of the pandemic and wear a **** mask. 🙄
Ooooh. I get it now... Its ok to use blatantly false data(9.9% CFR) as long as it helps your agenda?  Set your integretiy aside for your political party?


1 Nomination

Polar1ty Jul 30, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 31, 2020 7:21am
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