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21 Aug 2020 7:15 am
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
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      When most people think of liberals usually a skittles looking *** "social justice warrior" tranny pops up in people's minds. Most people confuse liberals with leftists, which is caused some people to think the association between liberals and leftists is practically the same. FALSE there's is no similarities between caring, fact-checked liberals between whining, "taste-the-rainbow-bitch" leftist snowflakes. The difference: liberals based their optimistic solutions with fact-checked data, evidence and willing to discard old, unnecessary traditions values, and the interest of increasing a person's general knowledge than tactical or professional development. 

Leftists, however, believe the necessities of equality and open hood by means of converts and use of over-exaggeration by any means necessary to critically change the minds of the majority and to also blame the social-economic problems on the minorities(companies, business owners, landlords, etc)  than actually solving the problems through fact n logic and the use of emotions as there driving force to push their leftist agenda.

The role of the SJW is to shut down​​​​​​ peaceful protests (usually In universities) cause the ideas go against their "emotional beliefs" 
A true SJW would rather protect peaceful protests and discourage people whos willing to force a group of people to be shutdown.

Every liberal love a good debate but a leftist wont even bother talking.


1 Nomination

LiberalThugin:) Jul 14, 2020

Go to original post on Jul 14, 2020 8:15pm
Go to nomination on Jul 14, 2020 7:20pm
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25 Aug 2020 7:08 am
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BlueDevil » 21 Aug 2020, 10:57 pm » wrote: https://www.latimes.com/california/stor ... convention
you trash someone for being more successful than you in YOUR field, then beg him for help.   Image
In a sane country, criticism takes a back seat to the safety of its citizens. 

1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Aug 24, 2020

Go to original post on Aug 22, 2020 7:46pm
Go to nomination on Aug 24, 2020 11:49am
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4 Sep 2020 7:02 am
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A random YouTuber made an astute observation regarding the medical and pharmaceutical industry’s symbol of a divine rod with 2 snakes curled around it. The snakes represent duplicity and deceit, as is the case with today’s mainstream “healthcare” that costs an arm and a leg while delivering almost no cures to chronic issues, while the rod represents hubris and unwarranted pride.

Pharmaceuticals and their legal drug peddlers think of themselves as gods, which is clearly enshrined in legal immunity / indemnification / “tort reform” (Thankfully, tort reform has made little headway) in the event something goes wrong. Indeed, “things go wrong” all the time as medical malpractice kills 250K people per year in America.

A long time ago, I believed that universal healthcare would be good for our nation’s citizens. Being a data junkie, I looked at other countries’ metrics and mistakenly assigned their longevity/superior results to universal healthcare. A rookie mistake in statistics.

It is apparent to me now that those citizens of Japan, Switzerland, etc, live longer not due to UHC, but largely due to healthier lifestyles and consuming actual food instead of industrialized poisons, the results of which modern “medicine” only seeks to mask the symptoms.

Giving everyone more pills “for free” is not going to make them live longer or happier lives. 

1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Sep 01, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 01, 2020 1:36am
Go to nomination on Sep 01, 2020 7:07am
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6 Sep 2020 2:13 pm
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A few days after Trump took office he took back an agreement Obama made regarding taking in a few thousand immigrants from Syria who were stuck on the small island country of Nauru. Australia took in many Syrian refugees from that worn torn country, and the US said it would help by taking in a couple of thousand, mostly teenage girls who had no parents.
Not sure if you are familiar with the story of Nauru - it was an island paradise, part of the Micronesian group of islands that became famous for its incredible wealth in phosphate rich rock that came to be after thousands of years of bat droppings. Nauru made a deal with the richest countries to sell all of their phosphates which in turn made each person in Nauru quite rich.
Sadly, it decimated their island state and left it baron. Those teenagers from Syria - teenagers mind you, lost all hope. Major depression ensued over these poor kids who were stuck on this island where nothing grows.

What Trump did just then, shows how evil he is. It would have been so easy to take these kids in. But, and I don't know why, perhaps he wanted to undo all that Obama did because he hates Obama,
But he did it all the same!

1 Nomination

bludog Sep 05, 2020

Go to original post on Aug 29, 2020 8:40pm
Go to nomination on Sep 06, 2020 1:44pm
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11 Sep 2020 7:50 am
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The onset of COVID19 brought into sharp focus, which Americans are the most important for the continuance of society.

Among them are:
Garbage pickup
Grocery store clerks
People with jobs in water supply and wastewater
Retail warehouse workers
Agriculture and food production
Transportation - Bus and truck drivers
Social Service workers

So why are most of these people which the government itself pronounced "essential", among the most humble and low paid in society,  There is not one occupation on the list which falls in the top 20% of earners in the US.

We need to rethink wealth distribution in this country.

1 Nomination

Older Guy Sep 09, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 07, 2020 11:01am
Go to nomination on Sep 10, 2020 10:38pm
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16 Sep 2020 6:50 am
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skews13 » 15 Sep 2020, 9:31 pm » wrote: Like i've been saying for years. It's not their money.
When half of production is automated, goods and services are literally churned out on autopilot, and society generates more valued commodities and finished products in one day than we could have in 20 years before automation, it’s hard to keep people broke.  It really is.

Thats why you see these immense giveaways to the billionaires.  TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars just thrown at them, cuz they don’t know what else to do with the extreme overproduction of modern technology.  It can’t be given to the workers, cuz then the whole hierarchy would be **** up.  If everybody was rich, confusion would reign.  We are still just chimps whose interactions are mostly dominated by figuring out who is the “alpha chimp” based on status, i.e. wealth.  

This, BTW, is why the aliens don’t welcome us into the galactic federation,  they won’t communicate with us, cuz our primitive fear based thought processes are like a contagious disease, higher life forms don’t want to be infected with the ugliness of our human nature.  

1 Nomination

SJConspirator Sep 15, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 15, 2020 9:39pm
Go to nomination on Sep 15, 2020 9:58pm
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17 Sep 2020 6:42 am
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This is a thread fail.

Because any economist already knows the revised annual GDP numbers for 2015 (3.1%), 2017 (2.3%), 2018 (3.0%), and 2019 (2.2%).

And a real economist would at least address those numbers as they relate to any claims of a Trump Boom.

There is no Trump Boom.

Trump even had to revise 2019 down and use those products, goods, etc. to add to 2018 to make it 3.0%.

2 Nominations

WillFranklin Sep 15, 2020, Olivaw Sep 15, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 16, 2020 8:39am
Go to nomination on Sep 16, 2020 1:20pm
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20 Sep 2020 5:19 am
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skews13 » 16 Sep 2020, 10:15 am » wrote: conservative **** isn't an opposing view

it's conservative ****

conservative **** has no legitimate place in any conversation or debate

and should never be taken seriously by anyone 

Example: it's cold in the winter, so global warming is a hoax

that's not an opposing view. that's mental illness

you're welcome. i'm in a helpful mood today.
Strawman. Literally no one believes that the climate is static. No one. Hot summer days are used to bolster the argument for AGW, which is just as ignorant as using cold winters to bolster the converse. The central question is "How much does human activity impact global climate?". That answer seems to be little to none. Human activity contributes a small fraction of greenhouse gas emissions. Proposed solutions for climate change are clearly feel good cultish wealth redistribution schemes. 

1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Sep 18, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 16, 2020 10:34am
Go to nomination on Sep 18, 2020 7:55am
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24 Sep 2020 7:33 am
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IkeBana » 22 Sep 2020, 11:47 am » wrote: Oh **** please.  After what the GOP has pulled with the Garland nomination and now this nomination you're gonna call anything the Democrats ever do "phony?"

Every one of these **** in 2016 said "No...no...no...there can't be a Supreme Court nomination and vote at the end of a Presidential term.  An now it's...no **** problem.  We already knew there wasn't anybody in the party with a shred of integrity...so this is just more confirmation.
Nothing illegitimate about what the Senate did in 2016, and Democrats would have done the exact same thing!  Besides, Democrat voters had two opportunities to thwart that strategy.  They could have elected Hillary or they could have elected a Democrat majority in the Senate.  And they failed at both!

The other option for Republicans in 2016 would have been to let the Garland nominee stand then vote against him, forcing Obama to withdraw the name and submit someone else.  And Republicans could have drawn it out the same way until the clock ran out on the Obama presidency.

But those are the consequences of losing elections.  The fact is that if Hillary had won, she likely wouldn't have nominated Garland anyway and chosen someone far more liberal.  That's the chance the Republicans took, and they would have regretted it if Trump didn't win.

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Sep 21, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 22, 2020 10:00am
Go to nomination on Sep 22, 2020 12:29pm
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25 Sep 2020 9:44 am
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NeoConvict » 23 Sep 2020, 8:28 pm » wrote:
Misty » 23 Sep 2020, 8:13 pm » wrote: How is 'get rid of the ballots' out of context?
How is counting ballots until you get the results you want possibly fair? Its election day, not election month or election season. They managed to do this before highways and air travel.
There is a pandemic you know, which is why many more people than usual will be voting by mail.

Who said count them until you get the results you want?
Every single ballot should be counted.
I don't care how long it takes.

Trump will likely declare victory on election night because since his followers are more likely to vote in person, it will look like he's ahead even if he's not.

Democrats are more likely to vote by mail because they actually believe that COVID is real and not a hoax.

So that’s why he doesn't want the mail in ballots counted.
I guess that includes military ballots and the absentee ballots of people who will be out of their home state on election day.
Including him and his family too, I guess.

1 Nomination

RollingRock Sep 23, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 23, 2020 9:42pm
Go to nomination on Sep 23, 2020 9:16pm
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25 Sep 2020 9:45 am
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NeoConvict » 23 Sep 2020, 8:28 pm » wrote:
Misty » 23 Sep 2020, 8:13 pm » wrote: How is 'get rid of the ballots' out of context?
How is counting ballots until you get the results you want possibly fair? Its election day, not election month or election season. They managed to do this before highways and air travel.
There is a pandemic you know, which is why many more people than usual will be voting by mail.

Who said count them until you get the results you want?
Every single ballot should be counted.
I don't care how long it takes.

Trump will likely declare victory on election night because since his followers are more likely to vote in person, it will look like he's ahead even if he's not.

Democrats are more likely to vote by mail because they actually believe that COVID is real and not a hoax.

So that’s why he doesn't want the mail in ballots counted.
I guess that includes military ballots and the absentee ballots of people who will be out of their home state on election day.
Including him and his family too, I guess.

1 Nomination

RollingRock Sep 23, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 23, 2020 9:42pm
Go to nomination on Sep 23, 2020 9:16pm
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29 Sep 2020 6:44 am
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Blackvegetable » 28 Sep 2020, 8:46 am » wrote: **** off with that ****...

He's a fraud....you're a rube...

End of story.

78,000 pages in the Tax Code Book.   This is why rich people and big corps. pay very
little in taxes.   They hire tax lawyers and CPA tax accountants to manipulate the Tax
Code and pay as little as possible.   It is the nature of the game.  And I suggest we
change the rules to this game.   But that is another conversation for another day.

Does the IRS have right to confiscate your paycheck, your bank acc., your investment
acc., your house, and all of your assets?   Yes, they do.   
Why hasn't the IRS seized all of DJ's bank accs., Trump Towers, Mara-Lago, and DJ's
757 jet?    Why not?    Maybe the Trump tax lawyers are not doing anything illegal and
that they are a brick-wall that the IRS cannot climb over.   Is that possible?

Here is my point.
"Hate game.....but don't hate the player".
We are all in the same boat.....trying to pay as little as we can to the IRS.                    


1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Sep 28, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 28, 2020 9:06am
Go to nomination on Sep 28, 2020 10:58am
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30 Sep 2020 7:04 am
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Biden did not have a fantastic night but Trump was so bad that I think he handed Biden an unearned victory.

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Sep 28, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 29, 2020 7:51pm
Go to nomination on Sep 29, 2020 9:53pm
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7 Oct 2020 8:59 am
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Blackvegetable » 28 Sep 2020, 8:46 am » wrote: **** off with that ****...

He's a fraud....you're a rube...

End of story.

78,000 pages in the Tax Code Book.   This is why rich people and big corps. pay very
little in taxes.   They hire tax lawyers and CPA tax accountants to manipulate the Tax
Code and pay as little as possible.   It is the nature of the game.  And I suggest we
change the rules to this game.   But that is another conversation for another day.

Does the IRS have right to confiscate your paycheck, your bank acc., your investment
acc., your house, and all of your assets?   Yes, they do.   
Why hasn't the IRS seized all of DJ's bank accs., Trump Towers, Mara-Lago, and DJ's
757 jet?    Why not?    Maybe the Trump tax lawyers are not doing anything illegal and
that they are a brick-wall that the IRS cannot climb over.   Is that possible?

Here is my point.
"Hate game.....but don't hate the player".
We are all in the same boat.....trying to pay as little as we can to the IRS.                    


1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Sep 28, 2020

Go to original post on Sep 28, 2020 9:06am
Go to nomination on Sep 28, 2020 10:58am
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Older Guy
19 Oct 2020 7:04 am
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Instead of enacting tax provisions that anyone with enough money can easily shake off, why not do something about monopolies and patent laws? Why not do away with Big Money lobbies, and Big Money political speech?

If you are afraid that government programs will lead us down the road to serfdom, why not create a body of knowledge experts who can monitor their outcomes, good or bad, continue them, or vanquish them with true facts? And I know, I know, the Right hates the bureaucrats, those unelected government workers who are not elected - they call them the "Deep State", although none of them make much money. When the Right calls the bureaucrats the "Deep State", you kind of understand that it's really a projection. If you are a crook, you project corruption onto your prospective enemies.
It's a game that Trump learned from Roy Cohn, the guy who supported Senator Joe McCarthy during the so-called Red Scare.

1 Nomination

bludog Oct 16, 2020

Go to original post on Oct 17, 2020 7:38pm
Go to nomination on Oct 17, 2020 8:56pm
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21 Oct 2020 9:18 am
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IkeBana » 18 Oct 2020, 3:58 pm » wrote: When the republic was founded with slavery remaining in place is when we lost our republic.

You obviously like all them states rights and all that local control
I do.
IkeBana » 18 Oct 2020, 3:58 pm » wrote: (except when conveniently you don't).
Except I always do. I am not a republican. I despise them with democrats. And yes - they only TALK states rights. They rely on their precious federal nanny state like bottle babies.

I advocate true multi-culturalism. That cannot occur in the one size fits all top-down world your tax scheme creates.
IkeBana » 18 Oct 2020, 3:58 pm » wrote: The way I see it, the more local control the greater the opportunity for graft and malfeasance, and the more common the bigotry and maltreatment of children.
A boss who lives around the world from you needs have no fear of you, and does not have to look you in the eye or share the devastation his wrong edicts wreak on your community. When HE says "I feel your pain," he's reading a script. When your neighbor says it, it is a fact that you can observe. Why do you hate and fear your neighbors while trusting in strangers?

Tax dollars are like husbands and sons. The farther from home they get, the worse they behave.

Your neighbor is more easily held accountable than a random chinaman you will never meet.

Do you also champion the idea of running your local community's power lines to washington dc and back before drawing energy from them? That makes the same sense - has the same efficiency. Your city water - to dc and back first? If not, why not? It's not far from what you advocate we do with tax dollars.

1 Nomination

SJConspirator Oct 20, 2020

Go to original post on Oct 18, 2020 6:44pm
Go to nomination on Oct 20, 2020 4:48pm
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26 Oct 2020 7:31 am
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
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We have heard Trump attack professional athletes for kneeling during the National Anthem.  He has said that they should be fired, because they are showing disrespect for our flag, our country, and our military.

I AM A MILITARY VETERAN, and when I see a professional athlete kneeling during the National Anthem, I do NOT have a problem with it.

I do not have a problem with it, because I know WHY they are doing it.  They are doing it because they are protesting the UNNECESSARY deaths of black men and women.  In other words, they are NOT doing it to show disrespect for our flag, they are NOT doing it to show disrespect for our country, they are NOT doing it to show disrespect for our military, and they are NOT doing it to show disrespect for me, a military veteran.

And I don’t have a problem with it, because I see HOW they are doing it.  They are doing it PEACEFULLY.
And I don’t have a problem with it, because they have the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to peacefully protest.
And I don’t have a problem with it, because when I was in the military, it was my job to PROTECT that right.

At this point, I want to respond to Trump’s BASELESS accusation of showing disrespect for our military.   And I want to look at four cases that DO show disrespect for our military ... and disrespect for me, a military veteran.

Case #1:  Consider the case where a Vietnam era draft dodger denigrated a Vietnam era POW because he was captured.  When the draft dodger denigrated the POW, he showed disrespect for that POW, he showed disrespect for ALL Vietnam era POWs, he showed disrespect for ALL POWs in ALL of our other wars  ... AND he showed disrespect for our military.

Case #2:  That same draft dodger showed disrespect for our military, when he called the brave men and women who gave their lives to defend our country “suckers and losers”.

Case #3:  That same draft dodger showed disrespect for our military, when he downplayed the warnings from our intelligence agencies that Putin was putting bounties on the heads of our military, and when he failed to confront Putin about that issue.  (That begs the question:  Why is Trump AFRAID of Putin?)

Case #4:  >That same draft dodger invited a bunch of Russians into OUR Oval Office, and he kicked-out ALL of the Americans.  And then he yukked it up with the Russians, denigrated some Americans, and gave the Russians some of our classified information.  >My job in the military was to keep an eye on the Russians.  What the draft dodger did in the Oval Office was a slap in the face to me.  And it showed disrespect for EVERYONE in the military who did, or is doing, the job that I did.  >Furthermore, the draft dodger showed disrespect to the American people.  The purpose of the Oval Office is to conduct the business of the American people ... NOT for fraternizing, and clowning around, with our enemies.

This draft dodger is known as:  Cadet Bone Spurs, Don-the-Draft-Dodger, and Putin’s Apprentice.
One prominent veterans’ group calls him:  Benedict Donald and Traitor Trump.

The draft dodger is also known as the Divider-in-Chief.  As we all know, the reason for his attacks on the athletes is NOT because he loves our flag, our country, and our military.  It is because he loves to DIVIDE.

The draft dodger said that “maybe the kneelers should not be in this country”.
Question:  Should a draft dodger, who constantly shows disrespect for our military, be in this country?

1 Nomination

bludog Oct 24, 2020

Go to original post on Oct 25, 2020 8:38am
Go to nomination on Oct 25, 2020 12:10pm
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27 Oct 2020 6:57 am
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After the recent attack on this community, we worked alone and worked swiftly to mitigate our exposure to such attacks. The thought of enlisting the help of federal agencies was never on our radar, and it never will be.  Granting federal agencies the accesses required to assist would violate the core principles on which this board was founded. Short of a court order, no information about any member of this board will ever be shared. 

The DDoS botnet is not your problem, and we will not make it your problem by handing over private information that you have entrusted to this board under the explicit expectation of anonymity. 

If you thought the ham-handed burgling of people’s pms was bad, enlisting the help of the FBI is exponentially worse due to their greater expertise at accessing what's in the database.  It is a doxxing of his entire board - a gross breach of privacy - forever securing the breadth of the .org data on an FBI server - ripe for the fishing.  

I received an email from kfools requesting a meeting.  Given his unscrupulous history and contempt for members of the community, my initial reaction was to trash it.

After thinking it over, it seemed obvious that he was hurting and wanted a deal, so I dispatched CP because he handles the board's lightwork.  

I was dismayed by the news that the sale to Teacher was a deception in an attempt to further abuse the community.  He resorted to extortion as a last-ditch effort to re-victimize long-standing members.  Furthermore, the fact that Teacher can be leveraged in such a devious plot raises its own set of eyebrows. 

I was less than shocked to learn that the deal he wanted was for him to be a mod here, and he would make CP a mod there.  I assure you, no such relationship will ever exist between the two forums.  We hold ourselves to a higher standard, and we have too much respect for the members of the community to ever so much as entertain an association, let alone an alliance.  

He now has his members on guard, scrutinizing each other in some Orwellian ruse to ferret out perpetrators of the DDoS attack.   He has to know that this 28 million strong bot army is in no way associated with his member list.  I can only conclude that this is yet another scheme to set up members for further brutalization. 

The attack is over, for now, but we have taken additional measures, beyond those taken initially to mitigate the risk, to ensure the community remains in the event of another sustained attack.  

In closing, this board's refusal to reach out to government agencies for assistance in no way implies that we are anti-government, anti-police, etc.  What we are is pro-privacy.  If anything criminal happens within these walls, the government has specific procedures in place to ensure they ascertain the precise and limited information required to conduct their investigations. We will hold them to the constitutional standards by which they are bound. 

3 Nominations

Isabel Oct 25, 2020, Phelix_Dacat Oct 25, 2020, bludog Oct 25, 2020

Go to original post on Oct 26, 2020 12:12pm
Go to nomination on Oct 26, 2020 8:38pm
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2 Nov 2020 6:40 am
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Pengwin » 30 Oct 2020, 10:29 am » wrote: So far no one has a source.
Bobulinski IS the source, and he's provided mountains of evidence in the form of certified authentic documents, emails FROM HUNTER, text messages FROM HUNTER, the actual phones with the texts and emails FROM HUNTER, and SWORN TESTIMONY in the investigation.  And at the same time you have the entire Biden campaign refusing to explain it.  It's NOT sufficient to simply state that it's a "Russian distraction".  Tell us how those conversations were placed on BOTH Hunter's laptop AS WELL AS on Bobulinski's phone, let's hear him deny those authenticated documents are really forgeries, challenge Bobulinski to take a lie detector test since they claim he's lying, and force Hunter to turn over all bank statements showing when and from where those huge payoffs took place and drag his druggie *** before a grand jury.

You know, people would have a more favorable view of Democrats and liberals if they could actually bring their mouths to admit the facts that this appears to be a serious case of corruption and it's led you to reconsider your support of Biden, even if you have already voted as you stated.  But instead you continue to deny and defend the indefensible, just waiting for your phony Fake News media to divulge how you need to respond when confronted by this story.  

You're content to be sheep waiting for your orders and have given up any veneer you ever had of thinking for yourself.

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Oct 29, 2020

Go to original post on Oct 30, 2020 8:48am
Go to nomination on Oct 30, 2020 11:28am
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7 Nov 2020 9:47 am
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omh » 06 Nov 2020, 8:46 am » wrote:
GeorgeWashington » 06 Nov 2020, 8:42 am » wrote: Yes.. that's exactly what it means.  Thanks for the eloquent synopsis.  Image
ha ha ha ha ha so you are other peoples' scripted character serving humanity until extinction rather than spending your time being honest about limited to occupying space as mutually timed apart now since conceived to decomposed corpse?

Corrupted after birth corrupting your children after becoming 1 of 2 parents, 1 of 4 grandparents, 1 of 8 great grandparents expecting reality to change next generation of your great great grandchildren sustaining the populaiton from there forward mutually evolving now..
Every election for at least the past 16 years has been "the most important election in history" where we've been "one election away from losing the country."

Bush was never tried for war crimes or diebold election fraud, Obama was never tried for acorn's "massive voter fraud", Hillary is still free, Epstein is still dead, etc etc etc.

Forgive me if I'm not willing to play along with the puppet show.
GeorgeWashington » 06 Nov 2020, 8:31 am » wrote: I'll believe it when I see it.

1 Nomination

Huey Nov 06, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 06, 2020 9:18am
Go to nomination on Nov 06, 2020 9:18am
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