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1 Oct 2023 6:53 pm
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Vegas » 27 Sep 2023, 8:49 am » wrote: I hear a lot about the similarities. Scary. Obsessed with gender, men being woman and vice- versa, sexualizing children, sexual promiscuity, etc...They imploded, we are imploding. This is 100% the left's fault. All of it. Literally, all of it. 

I thought about when the implosion began. I believe it began in the mid 90s. This was when the buzz phrases and comments "Truth is subjective," "What's true for you doesn't have to be true for anyone else," "Who are you to judge?" became popular in the mainstream. Once people genuinely believe that truth is subjective and that society stopped judging immoral behavior, then that's when the social decay began. 

Not to mention the serial rapist was president then.
   Began in 1860 with eugenics corporation manipulation and control. Lincoln and various GOP marxist do not properly argue that slaves can read and negotiate their own contracts and can not be partial or 100% animal in USA law. Six hundred thousand die over private slave ownership and mandatory group inclusion but then after the civil war peaceful natives who are busy working their self sufficient >>>>non subsidized<<<< farms are marched hundreds of miles to a camp where 2/3 of the population dies. The natives had the same problem as the former slaves of private owners, they were classified as animals in the post civil war law and owned by a monarchical eugenics corporation group like a crop of genetic modified soy beans. Private ownership wrong, old world styled monarchical commune group murder, death, kill, genocide and theft is right. wonderful representation for favored corporation communes, little or no representation for the individual citizen.

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Sep 27, 2023

Go to original post on Sep 28, 2023 4:54am
Go to nomination on Sep 28, 2023 2:45pm
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4 Oct 2023 6:40 pm
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Part 1 of 2

Normally when a conservative retard talks about echo-naw-mix, usually I take a step back, listen, nod, and smile.

This is, of course, a measure designed to prevent myself from bursting out laughing at whatever retardation they are spewing.

Examples of retardation:


Thomas Sowell (paraphrase): "The MW hurts black workers. If we got rid of MW laws then black unemployment would drop drastically or be eliminated."

Reality: A large % of blacks are simply unemployable (i.e. they will simply steal the business owner's stuff/do nothing productive at work either because they can't or don't want to, which makes their effective net contribution to the value of the business negative, so even at an amazing wage of $0/hr they still wouldn't be hired, unless there happens to be a bunch of retarded business owners who enjoy proverbially setting their own businesses on fire.)

Conservatives (in general - paraphrase): Corporate tax cuts are great because they incentivize corps to create jobs.

Reality: Jobs are a function of market demand as well as the cost required to meet said demand. This means that 

1) A robust economy (unless you're in a counter cyclical industry/sector)
2) Lower expenses (incl. rent, wages, FF&E, vehicles, marketing, insurance)

are far more important than taxes (which is indeed an expense but a function of net profit rather than a prerequisite for revenue coming in).

You could lower corporate taxes to 0% and corps that sell "low end" goods would still operate out of Thailand, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Burma simply because wages there are far lower than those found in the states. 

Another point to consider is that corporate tax cuts not only DON'T create jobs - they DECREASE the # of jobs.

(The theory is not complicated: corporate tax cuts incentivize investing in capital goods (AKA AUTOMATION) and R&D, which reduces the need for additional workers and even allows for a reduction in the existing workforce, If you weren't retarded you may have noticed "why manufacturing facilities use robots with a small # of workers instead of an army of workers in 2023")


That's ALSO assuming the corp tax cut wasn't distributed to shareholders via a dividend hike, a one-time dividend, or share buybacks.

Conservatives: A "free market" allocates resources efficiently.

Reality: We do not have a "free market" - we have a market controlled and dictated by Wall Street and (((GLOBALISTS))).

Second, even IF we did have a "free market," it would not allocate resources efficiently because all the small firms would get gobbled up by large corps and our eCONomy would turn into a heavily cartelized trainwreck. (Anyone remember the size of that Costco in Idiocracy?

Unfortunately, conservatives are either too stupid or too deceptive (mostly the former, I imagine) to comprehend a situation where the big wigs get together and iron out a price fixing plan to screw over consumers in the absence of their favorite fairy tale: a "free market." 

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Oct 03, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 03, 2023 6:59pm
Go to nomination on Oct 04, 2023 5:40pm
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7 Oct 2023 1:59 pm
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Neo » 07 Oct 2023, 9:41 am » wrote: It won't be a war. Gaza pissed on a hornets nest, results are predictable. I feel sorry for the innocent people who have died and will die on both sides. Praying for peace.
Netanyahu needed a war to stop the civil unrest against him in Israel .....
Hamas was created by Israel for just such an occasion .....
people need to learn the Truth about Hamas ....

.WHAT DO YOU know about Hamas?

That it’s sworn to destroy Israel? That it’s a terrorist group, proscribed both by the United States and the European Union? That it rules Gaza with an iron fist? That it’s killed hundreds of innocent Israelis with rocketmortar, and suicide attacks?But did you also know that Hamas — which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” — would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state? That the Israelis helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups? That Hamas is blowback?This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Listen to former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)“

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Cannonpointer Oct 06, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 07, 2023 9:50am
Go to nomination on Oct 07, 2023 11:11am
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7 Oct 2023 2:00 pm
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The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists. “I … suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face,” he wrote.They didn’t listen to him. And Hamas, as I explain in the fifth installment of my short film series for The Intercept on blowback, was the result. To be clear: First, the Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors;<br />then, the Israelis switched tack and tried to bomb, besiege, and blockade it out of existence.In the past decade alone, Israel has gone to war with Hamas three times — in 2009, 2012, and 2014 — killing around 2,500 Palestinian civilians in Gaza in the process. Meanwhile, Hamas has killed far more Israeli civilians than any secular Palestinian militant group. This is the human cost of blowback.“When I look back at the chain of events, I think we made a mistake,” David Hacham, a former Arab affairs expert in the Israeli military who was based in Gaza in the 1980s, later remarked. “But at the time, nobody thought about the possible results.”They never do, do they?

https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/ham ... -conflict/

1 Nomination

Hillary Clinton Oct 06, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 07, 2023 11:51am
Go to nomination on Oct 07, 2023 11:55am
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7 Oct 2023 8:55 pm
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The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians:The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.

1 Nomination

Sumela Oct 07, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 07, 2023 7:54pm
Go to nomination on Oct 07, 2023 9:06pm
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7 Oct 2023 9:35 pm
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The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians:The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.

1 Nomination

Sumela Oct 07, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 07, 2023 7:54pm
Go to nomination on Oct 07, 2023 6:06pm
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7 Oct 2023 9:35 pm
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The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians:The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.

1 Nomination

Sumela Oct 07, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 07, 2023 7:54pm
Go to nomination on Oct 07, 2023 6:06pm
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10 Oct 2023 3:25 pm
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There are about 5 million Arabs in the USA.

If even 1% of them were crazed "terries"

that would be 50,000..............Where are all the 1,000s explosions? Bomb? Deaths...

.....Oh most are the US bombing their countries....for oil and gas.  


1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Oct 07, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 08, 2023 9:19am
Go to nomination on Oct 08, 2023 3:26pm
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10 Oct 2023 3:25 pm
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By the way, in case you're confused about the thread title:

(2 yrs ago)

FOS: [provides many examples of Jewish manipulative tactics and strategies]
vegas giants: wow, these Jews must be really smart! 
FOS: Jews are not so much "smart" as they are cunning and deceptive...and they need to be deported and dealt with appropriately
vegas giants: I was being sarcastic 
FOS: I wasn't


Anyhow, the number of tactics employed by Juice are far too numerous. If only someone filled an encyclopedia with this information...

With regards to finance, allow me to list 5 off the top of my head that are standard practice for (((GLOBALISTS))):

1. Not only exploiting but contributing to the creation of debt-fueled booms and busts.

During booms loan out money - during busts buy up assets for cheap while hiding behind corporations / politicians 

2. Take a cut out of every financial transaction

Whether it's credit card interchange fees, health "insurance," mortgage origination "fees," merger and acquisition retainer fees, lawyer fees, broker fees...it's a FEE market!

(Just to give you an idea of how the JUICE do business, I used to tip workers on Fiverr, a marketplace for white collar workers around the world, to do some of my basic admin work if they do a good job.

Fiverr, which is run by JUICE, not only charges a transaction fee on the service but also on the TIP now. 

Really "smart" indeed! XD)

"When a banker hands another banker a fake note, GDP is created" @Cannonpointer  

3. Cook the books via (((FINANCIAL ENGINEERING)))

It wouldn't surprise me if JUICE, through private equity, hedge funds, venture capital, "wealth management," and other vehicles of taking money from gullible idiots while charging them thru the nose for financial 'services,' regularly cook the books to inflate profits and cash flow. 

Now other ethnic groups do the same...but none have perfected the art as much as JUICE have.

Suppose a **** company with zero earnings growth has a real net profit of -$100M. Through (((FINANCIAL ENGINEERING))) it reports a profit of $5M and is trading at a P/E ratio of 15. $75M in market cap on...yes, -$100M in NP.


When you look at it this way, those small business owners making $1M yr in cash flow and have their companies valued at 4x P/E really do look like retards...when the JUICE polish turds (dying companies) and sell them for gold. 

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Deezer Shoove Oct 09, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 09, 2023 3:34am
Go to nomination on Oct 10, 2023 4:50am
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10 Oct 2023 8:52 pm
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A part of me is starting to think so.

​​​​​​ I believe Jews do not like to be out victimized. And they're saying this attack is worse than 9/11 and it's the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holohoax

The stories are fishy about a mother killed with her newborn baby still attached to the umbilical cord and little children decapitated all over the countryside.

 I smell a jive turkey 🦃 and everything coming out of Israel should be taken with a grain of salt 👌🏻✌🏼

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Sumela Oct 10, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 10, 2023 8:29pm
Go to nomination on Oct 10, 2023 6:34pm
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11 Oct 2023 7:10 am
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A part of me is starting to think so.

​​​​​​ I believe Jews do not like to be out victimized. And they're saying this attack is worse than 9/11 and it's the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holohoax

The stories are fishy about a mother killed with her newborn baby still attached to the umbilical cord and little children decapitated all over the countryside.

 I smell a jive turkey 🦃 and everything coming out of Israel should be taken with a grain of salt 👌🏻✌🏼

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Sumela Oct 10, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 10, 2023 8:29pm
Go to nomination on Oct 10, 2023 9:34pm
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1 Nov 2023 5:20 pm
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RedheadedStranger » 01 Nov 2023, 4:35 pm » wrote: You don't live in Israel yet you condem them for what they did not do.

Hamas knew exactly what to do to piss off the IDF and bring down hell onto the Palestinians in an effort to get the Arab world to come together against the Jews and wipe them off the face of the earth.
You are advocating genocide, you pig.
          Spot on....
Hamas intentionally provoked this military response from Israel --- fully knowing the likelihood of a major IDF incursion into Gaza, and how that would impact the population... And as you pointed out, this was in hopes of widening the conflict by drawing in outside support from the Muslim / Arab world.... And rather than protect or fight for the Gazan civilians, Hamas operatives hide behind them, and underneath them as well   --- staging attacks which they know might result in non combatant casualties when the IDF retaliates.... A dead Gazan civilian has far more value than a live one to Hamas..  Their strategy at this point is to hang in as long as they can, hoping  for a Muslim Military intervention --- or pressure from the International Community to get the Israelis onboard with a ceasefire...  Cowards...   

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Redheaded Stranger Oct 31, 2023

Go to original post on Nov 01, 2023 4:08pm
Go to nomination on Nov 01, 2023 6:14pm
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Justin Sane
8 Nov 2023 2:29 pm
8 Nov 2023 2:29 pm
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Vegas » 20 Oct 2023, 12:12 pm » wrote: It amazes me how tunneled in people are about taking sides. 
  • Either you are for Russia OR you are for Ukraine. 
  • Either you are for Israel OR you support Hamas. 
  • Either you are for NATO OR you are not. 
  • Either you lick left testicles OR you lick right testicles.
A lot of people, even on this forum, simply cannot grasp that there is no contradiction in saying "neither."


When I see some of you pull this ****, I want take a bottle of Viagra, whip my dick out, and then slap you in the face with it multiple times until you bleed out the corner of your mouth. 

Twat Tunnels.
Agreed, I think it's symptomatic of the media having successfully pushed the majority of people to the extremes of their political positions.. Extremes make far more alarming headlines and sell more copy. It's not enough to not particularly care about Donald Trump, for instance. You have to hate him with the level of vitriol that sane people normally reserve for degenerate psychopaths who torture children to death in their basement - or alternatively, you have to think he's the reincarnation of Jesus. And each side has to be at the throats of the opposers

I remember a time when it was all far more friendly. Might nudge each other under the ribs about respective political positions at times, but ultimately most people had friends from both sides of the political aisle. However, the middle ground that sane people used to occupy, is unfortunately now empty. Sign of the times I guess

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ROG62 Oct 20, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 20, 2023 12:53pm
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8 Nov 2023 2:29 pm
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Proving Joe is corrupt. 
ImageIn 2018, James Biden received $600,000 in loans from, Americore—a financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator. According to bankruptcy court documents, James Biden received these loans “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

 On March 1, 2018, Americore wired a $200,000 loan into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account – not their business bank account. On the same day, James Biden wrote a $200,000 check from this same personal bank account to Joe Biden. 

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Oct 21, 2023

Go to original post on Oct 20, 2023 6:13pm
Go to nomination on Oct 21, 2023 10:49pm
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