One of my favorite themes of videos on YouTube is complainer videos.
Basically people voice their grievances (sometimes respectfully, more often viscerally), and then I begin to wonder something.
How is it their brains can comprehend reality quite precisely/accurately (e.g. They make some keen and justifiable observations) and yet they STILL come to such R E T A R D E D conclusions, completely divorced from the aforementioned?
This applies to BOTH retarded CONSERVATIVes and LIBRULZ!
Or as Ann Coulter might say: "If
Democrats [DEMOCRAPS AND REPUKES] had any brains, they'd
be Republicans [
Exhibit A
(A Retarded Canadian LIBRUL)
Those of you who have read my posts know that I follow the housing market quite closely. I have known for a very long time that Canada's housing situation is even worse than that which exists in America (your average American renter pays ~30-35% of gross income in rent while the average Canadian renter is paying something like 45%), yet Canuck retards
Sometimes, one of these RETARDS even collects several "fragments" of truth - one guy, who votes for Liberals/NDP, says that immigration is bad because THERE IS A housing crisis.
Then he drops the ball and never reaches the proper conclusion.
I followed his comment thread and not once did he say:
We need a moratorium on immigration - INCLUDING LEGAL (btw those of you who STILL "think" we have a "labor shortage" are **** retarded asswipes). Maybe he wants a slight reduction...but nowhere did he say "LET'S STOP IMMIGRATION ALTOGETHER."
STOP VOTING FOR (((GLOBALIST owned politicians))) like Justin TURDeau
- Start imposing REGULATIONS on investor owned housing / loosen zoning rules
He will presumably go back to voting for the
Exhibit B: (Retarded American conservatives)
Conservatives have always used the talking point of "lazy freeloaders." To many conservatives, if someone isn't working 60+ hours/week, then they haven't earned their keep and "deserve" to live in poverty. The caveat, of course, is that once your body is destroyed once you turn 55 (or even sooner), you will gain the "respect" of these conservative retards.
(Note that conservative retards will always exonerate mega-millionaires and billionaires who are living off dividends, rentals, or bonds from their standard, with the questionable-at-best assumption these people "earned" it.)
Anyhow, I have noticed ever since Donald J. t
Rump became pResident and Tucker Carlson rose to fame with his populist-brand of paleo-conservatism, there has been a lot of anger over the fact American politicians don't seem to care about Americans in general (NEW FLASH: THEY NEVER HAVE!)
But based on CONservative rEtard logic,
why should YOU be upset? After all, Pence refusing to "take care of Americans" or "fix up our cities" is a VALIDATION of "take care of yourself" dogma.
You want Republican candidates to promise MORE handouts like Donnie did with his stimmie checks?
Get cornered bitches.
1 Nomination
Majik Nov 02, 2023
Go to original post on Nov 02, 2023 11:07pm
Go to nomination on Nov 02, 2023 10:54pm