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12 Nov 2020 6:58 am
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Orwell correctly predicted that totalitarianism would come into control of nations through manipulation of language and altering the accepted meaning of words. When men can be women by simply changing terminology, when infanticide transmutes to a constitutionally protected choice, its clear we are well on our way to living in his nightmare dystopia. Biden is not the president elect. Not one state has confirmed their results, not one elector has been appointed. He's just the guy currently projected to win by the media. Words have meanings. Biden is no more president elected than the incumbent. 

2 Nominations

Annoyed Liberall Nov 11, 2020, Huey Nov 11, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 10, 2020 1:53pm
Go to nomination on Nov 11, 2020 8:18am
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16 Nov 2020 7:09 am
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From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law, President Trump may legally do all kinds of extraordinary things.

Unknown to most Americans, a parallel legal regime allows the president to sidestep many of the constraints that normally apply. The moment the president declares a “national emergency”—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—more than 100 special provisions become available to him. While many of these tee up reasonable responses to genuine emergencies, some appear dangerously suited to a leader bent on amassing or retaining power. For instance, the president can, with the flick of his pen, activate laws allowing him to shut down many kinds of electronic communications inside the United States or freeze Americans’ bank accounts. Other powers are available even without a declaration of emergency, including laws that allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.

This edifice of extraordinary powers has historically rested on the assumption that the president will act in the country’s best interest when using them. With a handful of noteworthy exceptions, this assumption has held up. But what if a president, backed into a corner and facing electoral defeat or impeachment, were to declare an emergency for the sake of holding on to power? In that scenario, our laws and institutions might not save us from a presidential power grab. They might be what takes us down.

https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/ar ... rs/576418/


I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America..hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

1 Nomination

Huey Nov 14, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 14, 2020 11:26am
Go to nomination on Nov 14, 2020 12:12pm
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24 Nov 2020 6:50 am
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omh » 06 Nov 2020, 8:46 am » wrote:
GeorgeWashington » 06 Nov 2020, 8:42 am » wrote: Yes.. that's exactly what it means.  Thanks for the eloquent synopsis.  Image
ha ha ha ha ha so you are other peoples' scripted character serving humanity until extinction rather than spending your time being honest about limited to occupying space as mutually timed apart now since conceived to decomposed corpse?

Corrupted after birth corrupting your children after becoming 1 of 2 parents, 1 of 4 grandparents, 1 of 8 great grandparents expecting reality to change next generation of your great great grandchildren sustaining the populaiton from there forward mutually evolving now..
Every election for at least the past 16 years has been "the most important election in history" where we've been "one election away from losing the country."

Bush was never tried for war crimes or diebold election fraud, Obama was never tried for acorn's "massive voter fraud", Hillary is still free, Epstein is still dead, etc etc etc.

Forgive me if I'm not willing to play along with the puppet show.
GeorgeWashington » 06 Nov 2020, 8:31 am » wrote: I'll believe it when I see it.

1 Nomination

Huey Nov 06, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 06, 2020 9:18am
Go to nomination on Nov 06, 2020 9:18am
24 Nov 2020 3:33 pm
Giant Slayer
14,656 posts
Yeah that's right, **** you! Just because you support Trump doesn't mean you have to believe every word he says. He **** up the Covid response. Our beloved governor just had a press conference to give us an update on my beloved state of Nevada. 14 out of 16 of our counties have been flagged. Since the last 15 days we have had record breaking new cases with deaths. So why do I say **** you Trump supporters? Because Trump had 3 rallies here all through October. A couple weeks later, boom. Our Covid cases spike. Not just spike, but record breaking spike. Seriously man. Stop this ****! 

But but but...you can't prove that it was due to the rallies Vegas...yeah, ok. I am sure that its all one big **** coincidence. It fits perfectly with the incubation period, no other unusual events were simultaneously occurring, but yeah, I am sure it's just a coincidence.

But...But...But...there is no evidence that wearing masks and social distancing works...even though it helps in other countries. Look...twat spunks. This really isn't rocket science. It's not. There are plenty of well respected scientists who advocate for these precautions. I prefer to listen to a scientist over a politician about what is safe and what isn't. 

But...but...but...you are just virtue signaling Vegas. You ****! Our hospital beds are at capacity primarily due to covid. That means if some poor bastard gets in a car accident, and his/her arm is dangling off, I guess they are ****. No beds. Yeah, me wanting to have open hospital beds for other trauma cases is virtue signaling. Blow me! And blow me good!

But...but...but...it's just the sniffles. Only the elderly and those with underlying conditions are at risk. God Dammit. WTF is wrong with your brain? Even that being the case, how about if you look out for the elderly or your fellow Americans who are sick already, and try to protect them? What the **** did they ever do to you that would justify spreading the virus to them?

But...But...But...yeah, **** your but...but..but..Listen to the science. Not Trump!

Overall, I was pleased with Trump's performance the first three years, with the exception of the tariff war, but he screwed the pooch here. He **** up. The covid deaths have far surpassed the flu. It's not a joke. It's not political. Get your heads out of your asses. 

May your next **** come out square.

1 Nomination

Coolguy10013 Nov 22, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 22, 2020 8:29pm
Go to nomination on Nov 22, 2020 11:34pm
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Deezer Shoove
30 Nov 2020 7:00 am
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Traditionally, my goal is to stop and reflect. Breathe deep and maybe slow the world for a day.

It helps to forgive and forget just a little bit.

Regain a perspective not tainted by agendas and pushers...  Try to find MY peace.

Have a good day off, Americans. Surprise some people around you... :wave:  

1 Nomination

simple jack Nov 25, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 26, 2020 9:20am
Go to nomination on Nov 26, 2020 10:32am
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8 Dec 2020 6:59 am
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Was there ever a time that your candidate lost and it wasnt fraud?

Hint: if you think the universe is cheating you every single time something doesnt go your way, it might just be you.

2 Nominations

Coolguy10013 Dec 06, 2020, Phelix_Dacat Dec 07, 2020

Go to original post on Dec 07, 2020 11:00am
Go to nomination on Dec 07, 2020 9:43pm
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22 Dec 2020 3:22 pm
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Liberals Only Moderator
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This is how we see our map in relation to voting:ImageHere is the problem with that map. It’s set up to show whole counties within each state. Not actual population, so it looks super RED.ImageSo here’s the final map that shows you where people actually are.ImageWhen you look at the top map, and you are a Republican you feel like clearly more people in the US share your views!   And if you are a Democrat, the top map makes it look like you are greatly outnumbered.  The bottom map, showing population, gives a much more accurate picture.  

2 Nominations

Phelix_Dacat Dec 17, 2020, Cannonpointer Dec 21, 2020

Go to original post on Dec 18, 2020 10:31am
Go to nomination on Dec 22, 2020 3:44pm
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11 Jan 2021 8:06 am
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It just took over 200 years for our culture to produce the “quintessentially American” man who could live up to the cult of personality necessary to pull it off.

Growing up, I was keenly aware that the U.S. seemed to be an anomaly in the world.  We had these orderly Transitions of power all my life, while other countries had violent coups, fistfights in the capitols, massive protests in the streets on a regular basis and civil wars.

what made America special, I wondered?  Our Constitution surely has a strong system of checks and balances that seems to prevent major upheavals.  It’s like a structurally sound form of government.  But that doesn’t explain all of it.  Charismatic leaders have risen up before and upended stable systems, drawing sycophants into their orbit and bending entire nations to their will.  What did Stalin, Mussolini, Ghandi, Selassie, and Franco and Tito all have in common?

they all managed to capture the imagination of huge groups of people because they seemed to embody the very spirit and character of a whole nation.  Selassie didn’t just represent a North African nation; he was Ethiopia personified.

America is a young country.  What kind of person really personifies America to the degree that they could form a cult of personality strong enough to seize power?  Bombastic, gluttonous, big businessman, greedy, over the top, larger than life.  

We have never been susceptible to an authoritarian leader subverting the Constitution because we had not made such a unique character, until Trump.

1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Jan 09, 2021

Go to original post on Jan 09, 2021 10:18pm
Go to nomination on Jan 10, 2021 8:39am
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15 Jan 2021 7:05 am
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Talk about a guy who had it all.  Super wealthy, a beautiful wife, great family, fame and fortune, freedom, health.. The world was this guys oyster!

Now it looks like the unthinkable could happen.  He could lose his fortune and end up in jail.  But why?

The incredible narcissism.  Demanding constant attention from a whole country is a tall order.  Just from having his twitter account shut down, I heard he is suffering withdrawals like a heroin addict

The lesson.. Your ego is not your amigo.  Learn to fade into the background and let others have the spotlight

1 Nomination

simple jack Jan 13, 2021

Go to original post on Jan 13, 2021 6:07pm
Go to nomination on Jan 14, 2021 11:52am
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18 Jan 2021 6:53 am
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Isabel » 16 Jan 2021, 5:40 pm » wrote: They are very well trained and obedient Big Lie Whores.
Whatever lie they are told to chant to serve their pimps, they chant.

It's an easy gig.
No thinking, honor or balls required.
It flies in the face of common sense.
  • Cons frequently brag online about how well armed and well trained they are.
  • Talk of civil war and generic threats against liberals are common in these forums.
  • The Bugaloo Boys, Proud Boys, klansmen and Nazis are always up for a fight.
  • 15,000 MAGATs assaulted Congress.
  • GOP Congress persons want to be armed on the floor of the House. 
Contrast this to the left. 
  • Million women marches drew record breaking crowds to DC without violence. 
  • BLM protests were largely peaceful. Violence was committed by the police and Trump, not the protesters.
  • Eventually the BLM protests did give way to violence. Few of the arrested individuals were BLM. They were right wing terrorists, anarchists and common criminals.
It’s obvious to anyone with a grounding in truth that right wing terrorism is a major problem in this country. It enjoys the supported of many mainstream conservatives and the disgraced 45th president. Left wing terrorism is uncommon. I do not know a single liberals who endorses it.

Attempts by the cult to push the outlandish lie of equivalence or hypocrisy deserves to be laughed out of the room. 

3 Nominations

Phelix_Dacat Jan 16, 2021, Coolguy10013 Jan 16, 2021, bludog Jan 16, 2021

Go to original post on Jan 16, 2021 5:47pm
Go to nomination on Jan 17, 2021 12:02pm
11 Feb 2021 7:19 am
Giant Slayer
14,656 posts
Yeah that's right, **** you! Just because you support Trump doesn't mean you have to believe every word he says. He **** up the Covid response. Our beloved governor just had a press conference to give us an update on my beloved state of Nevada. 14 out of 16 of our counties have been flagged. Since the last 15 days we have had record breaking new cases with deaths. So why do I say **** you Trump supporters? Because Trump had 3 rallies here all through October. A couple weeks later, boom. Our Covid cases spike. Not just spike, but record breaking spike. Seriously man. Stop this ****! 

But but but...you can't prove that it was due to the rallies Vegas...yeah, ok. I am sure that its all one big **** coincidence. It fits perfectly with the incubation period, no other unusual events were simultaneously occurring, but yeah, I am sure it's just a coincidence.

But...But...But...there is no evidence that wearing masks and social distancing works...even though it helps in other countries. Look...twat spunks. This really isn't rocket science. It's not. There are plenty of well respected scientists who advocate for these precautions. I prefer to listen to a scientist over a politician about what is safe and what isn't. 

But...but...but...you are just virtue signaling Vegas. You ****! Our hospital beds are at capacity primarily due to covid. That means if some poor bastard gets in a car accident, and his/her arm is dangling off, I guess they are ****. No beds. Yeah, me wanting to have open hospital beds for other trauma cases is virtue signaling. Blow me! And blow me good!

But...but...but...it's just the sniffles. Only the elderly and those with underlying conditions are at risk. God Dammit. WTF is wrong with your brain? Even that being the case, how about if you look out for the elderly or your fellow Americans who are sick already, and try to protect them? What the **** did they ever do to you that would justify spreading the virus to them?

But...But...But...yeah, **** your but...but..but..Listen to the science. Not Trump!

Overall, I was pleased with Trump's performance the first three years, with the exception of the tariff war, but he screwed the pooch here. He **** up. The covid deaths have far surpassed the flu. It's not a joke. It's not political. Get your heads out of your asses. 

May your next **** come out square.

1 Nomination

Coolguy10013 Nov 22, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 22, 2020 8:29pm
Go to nomination on Nov 22, 2020 11:34pm
15 Feb 2021 7:01 am
Giant Slayer
14,656 posts
Yeah that's right, **** you! Just because you support Trump doesn't mean you have to believe every word he says. He **** up the Covid response. Our beloved governor just had a press conference to give us an update on my beloved state of Nevada. 14 out of 16 of our counties have been flagged. Since the last 15 days we have had record breaking new cases with deaths. So why do I say **** you Trump supporters? Because Trump had 3 rallies here all through October. A couple weeks later, boom. Our Covid cases spike. Not just spike, but record breaking spike. Seriously man. Stop this ****! 

But but but...you can't prove that it was due to the rallies Vegas...yeah, ok. I am sure that its all one big **** coincidence. It fits perfectly with the incubation period, no other unusual events were simultaneously occurring, but yeah, I am sure it's just a coincidence.

But...But...But...there is no evidence that wearing masks and social distancing works...even though it helps in other countries. Look...twat spunks. This really isn't rocket science. It's not. There are plenty of well respected scientists who advocate for these precautions. I prefer to listen to a scientist over a politician about what is safe and what isn't. 

But...but...but...you are just virtue signaling Vegas. You ****! Our hospital beds are at capacity primarily due to covid. That means if some poor bastard gets in a car accident, and his/her arm is dangling off, I guess they are ****. No beds. Yeah, me wanting to have open hospital beds for other trauma cases is virtue signaling. Blow me! And blow me good!

But...but...but...it's just the sniffles. Only the elderly and those with underlying conditions are at risk. God Dammit. WTF is wrong with your brain? Even that being the case, how about if you look out for the elderly or your fellow Americans who are sick already, and try to protect them? What the **** did they ever do to you that would justify spreading the virus to them?

But...But...But...yeah, **** your but...but..but..Listen to the science. Not Trump!

Overall, I was pleased with Trump's performance the first three years, with the exception of the tariff war, but he screwed the pooch here. He **** up. The covid deaths have far surpassed the flu. It's not a joke. It's not political. Get your heads out of your asses. 

May your next **** come out square.

1 Nomination

Coolguy10013 Nov 22, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 22, 2020 8:29pm
Go to nomination on Nov 22, 2020 11:34pm
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16 Feb 2021 6:54 am
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SJConspirator » 24 Nov 2020, 7:56 pm » wrote: I am very much interested in the concept of identity.  As
An outward manifestation, a visual presentation of an individual in the physical world.  Its not just an inner feeling or mood.
I have my own pet philosophy about such things.

Every noun in our thoughts or language is simply a placeholder for unknown properties.

You know a thing has x y z properties and you define it such...but it has countless others.

An omniscient being would have no use for nouns. All 'Things' would simply be identified by a list of infinite verbs.

The identity of a human simply represents incomplete self knowledge. But I mean incomplete as a compliment in this context...because it thereby gives meaning to life. The constant unfolding of new self knowledge is the reason to continue living...even if it is all suffering.

1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Nov 24, 2020

Go to original post on Nov 24, 2020 7:01pm
Go to nomination on Nov 24, 2020 10:27pm
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19 Feb 2021 10:10 am
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Vegasgiants » 18 Feb 2021, 8:15 pm » wrote: You  should try backing your arguments.

You just run
As do you. Here, watch, track star:

1. If gender and sex are different, why should one's gender claim change what sex-segregated showers he or she uses?

2. Since gender dysphoria is listed in the DSM-5 as a mental disorder, why should people without this mental disorder be expected to play along?

3. If we are to play along with one mental disorder, why should we refuse to play along with others, like schizophrenia, for example?

4. If we play along with "real" transgenders (mentally deranged men who believe they are women), how do we stop "fake" transgenders (mentally deranged men who want to prey on naked women and merely pretend  to have the same derangement as "transgenders" in order to get access to them in a vulnerable position) from taking advantage?

Okay, answer these questions about your arguments, so that we can all learn how a real debater like yourself backs up his arguments.


1 Nomination

Cannonpointer Feb 18, 2021

Go to original post on Feb 18, 2021 7:32pm
Go to nomination on Feb 18, 2021 11:37pm
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25 Feb 2021 8:13 am
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We Americans Need a #NationalPublicHealthOption that we won't lose if we lose our job for ANY reason or move to a different state.

And the tax system to support it must be a truly progressive marginal graduated tax system all the way to the "tippy top" of incomes rather than a flat-tax system.

Such a system would shift the burden off the backs of businesses, allowing them to pay their employees more.

And it would eliminate the loss of health insurance if a company files bankruptcy.

Top tax rates should be for the top incomes, but for a National Public Health Option they wouldn't have to be much more than Medicare is now.  Medicare should also be progressive marginal graduated taxation, & lower for bottom incomes.
https://twitter.com/Liberal_Forum/statu ... 71974?s=20 

If COVID-19 has a silver lining, please let it be a #NationalPublicHealthOption for all Americans.

1 Nomination

Vegas giants Feb 17, 2021

Go to original post on Sep 23, 2020 11:58am
Go to nomination on Feb 17, 2021 7:14pm
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1 Mar 2021 6:52 am
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
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It's often call Reaganomics, after the first President who espoused it, but economists call it supply-side economics.  The theory behind it holds that the investor class will stimulate the economy more if they hold more money.  The more government does to ensure the top wage-earners keep more of their money, the more they will invest it, thus stimulating the economy.

George Herbert Walker Bush, when campaigning against Ronald Reagan in 1980, called it "voodoo economics", which is a fitting term.

Because it doesn't work.  It never has, in 40 years.

The first reason it doesn't work is that the American economy is not a closed system.  There's an entire globe where the investor class can put their money, and very reasonably and predictably they're going to want to put it where they get the best return.  That isn't because the rich and powerful are evil; it's because they're smart about where to put their money.  This was how they got rich.  So getting more money to the investor class provides no control over economic stimulus.  They might invest their money in such a way to create jobs.  They might not.  They certainly won't unless there's a good chance of making substantial profit, and again, this is reasonable and predictable and in no way reflects poorly upon them.

The second reason it doesn't work is this:

If you give money to a rich man, he puts it in his pocket, because he can.
If you give money to a common man, he spends it, because he has to.

Now, when that common man is ready to spend that money, guess who's there to take it?  That's right: the rich man.   The rich man got rich by seeing opportunities and seizing them.  If government stimulates the economy by putting more money into the hands of the middle and lower class, they will exchange that money for goods and services they need.  The rich will provide those goods and services in order to obtain that money.

Think about this: if you ever wanted to buy something, there was someone willing to sell it to you, provided you could pay for it.  That's how free enterprise works.  And that's why demand side economics, as espoused by John Maynard Keynes, works.  It expects free enterprise to step up and generate economic growth when the demand is there.  It was the gold standard in economic theory for American government from the time of the second world war until Ronald Reagan came along.  It was the period of the greatest increase in the middle class in global history.  And it was crappy for Republicans, who cast their eyes to find something, anything else to help them win and keep power.

And let's not make any mistake: whether we employ supply side economics or demand side economics, the money will still end up where it always ends up: in the hands of the few and the privileged.  In the latter, jobs are created and the common folk get goods and services.  In the former, the economy stagnates with little to no wage growth.  We've seen it for 40 years.

We've been led to believe that milk and honey will "trickle down" the chins of the high and mighty for the benefit of all, and it hasn't happened.  The fact is, it's foolish to have ever thought it would work.  It was voodoo from the start.  We need to return to demand side economics.  We need to increase the top tax rate and invest in infrastructure.  Those who claim that this will cause the millionaires and billionaires to spontaneously "go away" ignore the fact that the increase in the number of potential customers is far too alluring for the wealthy to walk away.  We can trust entrepreneurialism.  It's what created America.  Make more customers and stand back; watch greed do its work.

Remember this: put money in the hand of a rich man, and he puts it in his pocket because he can.  Put money in the hands of a common man, and he spends it because he has to.  And remember this: wealth is power.  Concentrate wealth and you concentrate power.

2 Nominations

SJConspirator Feb 28, 2021, Cannonpointer Feb 28, 2021

Go to original post on Feb 28, 2021 8:48pm
Go to nomination on Mar 01, 2021 2:26am
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3 Mar 2021 7:10 am
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solon » 01 Mar 2021, 1:30 pm » wrote: Well we agree on this.  If the SOU went away I would be happy as a clam that it did

In an inauguration year the  the practice has been for the incoming president to not give a SOTU address.  They will address a joint session shortly after their inauguration.

In Contemporary Practice, Is There a State of the Union Address Every Year?

The past six Presidents have chosen not to give an official State of the Union address the year they were first inaugurated, having just previously delivered an inaugural address. In each instance their first speech to a joint session of Congress closely followed their inauguration, but was not officially categorized as a “State of the Union Message.” For example, President Donald Trump’s 2017 address was entitled “Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress.” .2

Some recent Presidents have also preferred not to deliver a State of the Union address immediately prior to their departure from office, although several have given farewell addresses in the last days of their presidencies. President Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell message, broadcast to the nation on January 17, 1961, became famous for its warnings against the “military-industrial complex.”

3 Conversely, outgoing and incoming Presidents have occasionally given successive State of the Union addresses within weeks of each other. President Harry Truman’s final message, delivered in printed form to Congress on January 7, 1953, was closely followed by President Eisenhower’s first message, delivered in person at the Capitol on February 2, 1953.4


1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Mar 01, 2021

Go to original post on Mar 01, 2021 1:54pm
Go to nomination on Mar 02, 2021 10:39am
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4 Mar 2021 7:31 am
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DennisTheMenace » 03 Mar 2021, 5:41 am » wrote: Image

Gregg Abbott.  The governor of Tejas.  The guy that just ok'd no masks in Tejas.  He's no doctor.

He got crushed by a falling oak tree whilst jogging. This type of karma doesn't just fall out of the sky.  It's divine intervention. 

And then you have Madison (girl's name) Cawthorn.  The guy that lied about why he didn't attend the Naval Academy.

Have you seen the story about "fun rides" with Madison? 

I'm getting tired of Gophers playing on people's sympathy for the physically and mentally disabled. 
He also claimed that his friend ran away and left him to die in a burning car, after the car accident.  He said that the guy ran into forest, and he courageously dragged himself to safety.  The "friend" said that he pulled him from wreck, and stayed with him until paramedics arrived.

According to a Washington Post report, while giving a speech at Patrick Henry College in 2017, Cawthorn lied multiple times about the 2014 car crash that left him reliant on a wheelchair. The Post says that Cawthorn claimed his friend who was driving the vehicle at the time, Bradley Ledford, had left him for dead.

 “He was my brother, my best friend. And he leaves me in a car to die in a fiery tomb,” Cawthorn said of the accident. “He runs to safety deep in the woods and just leaves me in a burning car as the flames start to lick my legs and curl up and burn my left side.” Cawthorn also claimed he was pronounced dead at the scene, but thanks to “adrenaline or divine intervention, I definitely believe it’s the latter, I had a deep inhale of breath.”

​​​​​The problem, of course, is that none of it was true. According to Ledford, he saved Cawthorn’s life. “That statement he made was false,Ledford told The Washington Post. “It hurt very badly that he would say something as false as that. That is not at all what happened. I pulled him out of the car the second that I was able to get out of the car.” And, according to a court deposition, Cawthorn claims he has no memory from the accident. And per a police accident report and Florida Highway Patrol records, Cawthorn was “incapacitated and in critical condition” but was not declared dead.


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DennisTheMenace Mar 03, 2021

Go to original post on Mar 03, 2021 7:48pm
Go to nomination on Mar 03, 2021 6:52am
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Ike Bana
5 Mar 2021 6:46 am
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DeezerShoove » 04 Mar 2021, 12:21 am » wrote: Man in Dress Party is **** in the head.
They need propaganda to sustain the flock.
The Q-Anon party is the one **** in the head.
They need delusion and intellectual deficiencies to sustain the flock.
DeezerShoove » 04 Mar 2021, 12:21 am » wrote: Which set of partisans is more emotionally unstable?
Conservatives or liberals?
That answer will tell you which side is more susceptible to propaganda.
Trump partisans are completely emotionally unstable and cognitively challenged. Other conservatives are probably just as stable and intelligent as anybody else, however they have shown themselves to be completely lacking in integrity, so their instability is behavioral.

Americans who buy anything that was spewed out of the orange ****'s festering piehole over the past four years, and the four decades before that, are the ones who are susceptible to blatant propaganda.

So here we go DweebsterStooge...we have both stated our opinions. Ya think it's gonna change anything? The founder's greatest achievement was the establishment of the country on such ridiculous philosophies that the country was doomed to end up in the cultural war that will end it. It started with the country being founded with slavery remaining in place. Which generated the catastrophe that was the civil war. And in modern times, was kicked off by the Tonkin Gulf Resolution and the final splitting of the culture over the Vietnam war. The development of the gaping cultural chasm over the past four years was as predictable as rain over Puget Sound.

So white American christian conservatives are now all whining, pissing and moaning about their culture being cancelled and their beliefs and desires becoming dismissed.  Well guess what after almost 250 years of dominance of the culture by white christian convervatives...what goes around, comes around.

1 Nomination

Annoyed Liberall Mar 03, 2021

Go to original post on Mar 04, 2021 9:55am
Go to nomination on Mar 04, 2021 10:31am
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6 Mar 2021 8:59 pm
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Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
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It's often call Reaganomics, after the first President who espoused it, but economists call it supply-side economics.  The theory behind it holds that the investor class will stimulate the economy more if they hold more money.  The more government does to ensure the top wage-earners keep more of their money, the more they will invest it, thus stimulating the economy.

George Herbert Walker Bush, when campaigning against Ronald Reagan in 1980, called it "voodoo economics", which is a fitting term.

Because it doesn't work.  It never has, in 40 years.

The first reason it doesn't work is that the American economy is not a closed system.  There's an entire globe where the investor class can put their money, and very reasonably and predictably they're going to want to put it where they get the best return.  That isn't because the rich and powerful are evil; it's because they're smart about where to put their money.  This was how they got rich.  So getting more money to the investor class provides no control over economic stimulus.  They might invest their money in such a way to create jobs.  They might not.  They certainly won't unless there's a good chance of making substantial profit, and again, this is reasonable and predictable and in no way reflects poorly upon them.

The second reason it doesn't work is this:

If you give money to a rich man, he puts it in his pocket, because he can.
If you give money to a common man, he spends it, because he has to.

Now, when that common man is ready to spend that money, guess who's there to take it?  That's right: the rich man.   The rich man got rich by seeing opportunities and seizing them.  If government stimulates the economy by putting more money into the hands of the middle and lower class, they will exchange that money for goods and services they need.  The rich will provide those goods and services in order to obtain that money.

Think about this: if you ever wanted to buy something, there was someone willing to sell it to you, provided you could pay for it.  That's how free enterprise works.  And that's why demand side economics, as espoused by John Maynard Keynes, works.  It expects free enterprise to step up and generate economic growth when the demand is there.  It was the gold standard in economic theory for American government from the time of the second world war until Ronald Reagan came along.  It was the period of the greatest increase in the middle class in global history.  And it was crappy for Republicans, who cast their eyes to find something, anything else to help them win and keep power.

And let's not make any mistake: whether we employ supply side economics or demand side economics, the money will still end up where it always ends up: in the hands of the few and the privileged.  In the latter, jobs are created and the common folk get goods and services.  In the former, the economy stagnates with little to no wage growth.  We've seen it for 40 years.

We've been led to believe that milk and honey will "trickle down" the chins of the high and mighty for the benefit of all, and it hasn't happened.  The fact is, it's foolish to have ever thought it would work.  It was voodoo from the start.  We need to return to demand side economics.  We need to increase the top tax rate and invest in infrastructure.  Those who claim that this will cause the millionaires and billionaires to spontaneously "go away" ignore the fact that the increase in the number of potential customers is far too alluring for the wealthy to walk away.  We can trust entrepreneurialism.  It's what created America.  Make more customers and stand back; watch greed do its work.

Remember this: put money in the hand of a rich man, and he puts it in his pocket because he can.  Put money in the hands of a common man, and he spends it because he has to.  And remember this: wealth is power.  Concentrate wealth and you concentrate power.

2 Nominations

SJConspirator Feb 28, 2021, Cannonpointer Feb 28, 2021

Go to original post on Feb 28, 2021 8:48pm
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