For the purpose of your argument I do. It is a civilian legal variant for the purpose of this argument.Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 8:28 am » wrote: ↑ Irrelevant..
It was never "designed"....IT IS A VARIANT OF AN EXISTING DESIGN.
What do you mean "for the purposes of the argument"....IT IS THE ARGUMENT.Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 8:32 am » wrote: ↑ For the purpose of your argument I do. It is a civilian legal variant for the purpose of this argument.
NoW explain what capabilities the AR 15 has that make it worthy of being a NFA weapon.
Stop avoiding this question.Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 8:33 am » wrote: ↑ What do you mean "for the purposes of the argument"....IT IS THE ARGUMENT.
**** idiot.
Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 8:35 am » wrote: ↑ Stop avoiding this question.
Now explain what capabilities the AR 15 has that make it worthy of being a NFA weapon.
There are no more questions, Dwarf...Stop avoiding this question.
Yes, it was settled a while ago. The AR 15 shares no capabilities with the M16 that make it any different than any other semi auto rifle on the market and should not be banned. It is settled that you want it banned based on whom the weapon appeals to Due to its appearance.Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 8:36 am » wrote: ↑ There are no more questions, Dwarf...
The matter is settled.
You lost.
Dwarf,Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 8:39 am » wrote: ↑ Yes, it was settled a while ago. The AR 15 shares no capabilities with the M16 that make it any different than any other semi auto rifle on the market and should not be banned. It is settled that you want it banned based on whom the weapon appeals to Due to its appearance.
Your argument sucks.Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 8:41 am » wrote: ↑ Dwarf,
You may engage yourself in any argument you choose...
My argument is clear, and unimpeachable.
@BlackvegetableHuey » 18 Oct 2020, 8:52 am » wrote: ↑ Your argument sucks.
Your argument is that it is a variant of the M 16. So what does the AR 15 do that makes it a NFA worthy of being banned?
Your argument is incomplete and since you can’t provide those answers you lose. And you are gonna lose because the AR 15 shares no capabilities with the M16 that make it a NFA weapon.
You can’t just ban a weapon based on who it appeals to due to to appearance.
are you **** kidding, Chalk Outline?Your argument sucks.
No. Your only argument is to screech it is a “variant” of a M16, that was designed for battlefield use, and it appeals to certain group of people you don’t like do to appearance.
Dwarf,Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 11:27 am » wrote: ↑ No. Your only argument is to screech it is a “variant” of a M16, that was designed for battlefield use, and it appeals to certain group of people you don’t like do to appearance.
I can find nothing in the NFA of 1934 NOR the Amendments that ban firearms for those reasons. So what capabilities does this designed for civilian use semi automatic rifle share with the M16 that makes it a NFA weapon?
You share that and you win. I don’t want to see the word variant, appeals or battlefield use. The specific capabilities and function that makes it a NFA weapon.
Below are the requirements for a weapon to be classified as NFA weapons. You will not find the words variant, appeal, appearance or legitimate civilian use. Tell me which requirement the AR 15 falls under:Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 11:58 am » wrote: ↑ Dwarf,
The entire point is that it is designed for a purpose for which there is no legitimate civilian use..
Continuing to COMPLETELY miss the point.Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 12:24 pm » wrote: ↑ ... achine-gun
That is a M60 machine gun that fires a 7.62 at a rate of about 600 rounds per minute. Far more dangerous than a Ar 15 designed for civilian use. For between 40,000- 60,000 dollars you to can own one. It has NO legitimate civilian use It is a NFA weapon. There is no requirement that a weapon has to have a legitimate use.
Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 12:09 pm » wrote: ↑ Below are the requirements for a weapon to be classified as NFA weapons. You will not find the words variant, appeal, appearance or legitimate civilian use. Tell me which requirement the AR 15 falls under: National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA) defines a number of categories of regulated firearms. These weapons are collectively known as NFA firearms and include the following:Machine gunsThis legal definition includes any firearm which can fire repeatedly, without manual reloading, "by a single function of the trigger",[10] which is broader than the common definition.[11] Both continuous fully automatic fire and "burst fire" (e.g., firearms with a 3-round burst feature) are considered machine gun features. The weapon's receiver is by itself considered to be a regulated firearm. A non-machine gun that may be converted to fire more than one shot per trigger pull by ordinary mechanical skills is determined to be "readily convertible", and classed as a machine gun, such as a KG-9 pistol (pre-ban ones are "grandfathered").[citation needed]Short-barreled rifles (SBRs)This category includes any firearm with a buttstock and either a rifled barrel less than 16" long or an overall length under 26". The overall length is measured with any folding or collapsing stocks in the extended position. The category also includes firearms which came from the factory with a buttstock that was later removed by a third party.Short barreled shotguns (SBSs)This category is defined similarly to SBRs, but with either a smoothbore barrel less than 18" long or a minimum overall length under 26".SuppressorsThe legal term for a suppressor is silencer.[12] This category includes any portable device designed to muffle or disguise the report of a portable firearm. This category does not include non-portable devices, such as sound traps used by gunsmiths in their shops which are large and usually bolted to the floor.Destructive devices (DDs) - (added to the NFA of 1934 via the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968)There are two broad classes of destructive devices[citation needed]:
- Devices such as grenades, bombs, explosive missiles, poison gas weapons, etc.
- Any firearm with a bore over 0.50 inch except for shotguns or shotgun shells which have been found to be generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes. (Many firearms with bores over 0.50 inch, such as 10-gauge or 12-gauge shotguns, are exempted from the law because they have been determined to have a "legitimate sporting use".)
The point is you want a weapon banned but you can not post what requirement of the NFA it falls under. The best you can come up with is “variant”, legitimate civilian use although it is designed for civilian use, and whom the weapon appeals to.
oh, I am far from done. I suggest you do not get into gun discussions in the future. You are clueless. You really showed your ignorance on this thread.Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 12:28 pm » wrote: ↑ That's as tedious as it is irrelevant..
Thanks for spamming.
I suggest you have whatever argument you are having with yourself..Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 12:31 pm » wrote: ↑ oh, I am far from done. I suggest you do not get into gun discussions in the future. You are clueless. You really showed your ignorance on this thread.
NFA is not relevant to the design or its purpose, Spammy...Huey » 18 Oct 2020, 12:30 pm » wrote: ↑ The point is you want a weapon banned but you can not post what requirement of the NFA it falls under. The best you can come up with is “variant”, legitimate civilian use although it is designed for civilian use, and whom the weapon appeals to.
You can not cite a specific capabilities or function that makes the AR 15 semi auto more dangerous than any other semi auto that fires comparable rounds.
And this is why it isn’t over. When you name which capability that the M15 semi auto shares with the M16 that makes it more dangerous than other semi autos than you will win.Blackvegetable » 18 Oct 2020, 12:36 pm » wrote: ↑ I suggest you have whatever argument you are having with yourself..
You lost the one you had with me.