The insane form of political discourse going on today was literally socially engineered by a political strategist (((artur finklestein)))....and I see so many people on this forum falling for it.
To some extent, the 'right' versus 'left' labels are not even useful. you cannot really compare them ideologically. if anything, these categories refer to two distinct echo chambers in the united states. the people in both echo chambers will literally adopt and reject basically any opinion pushed by the people controlling their echo chamber. And it is important for the people in power that this division among the american people is as close to 50-50 as possible.
now there are some other qualitative differences. The 'left' is more brainwashed. The 'right' is largely composed of people who are open to rational thinking and compromise.
and for this reason, the left always wins. Because people who refuse to compromise will always defeat people who will compromise. It just takes x amount of time.
but the issues that people argue about are just engineered, and the '2' sides of politics is merely a way to construct a false dilemma. the 'left' and the 'right' argue with each other about stuff that doesnt even matter...and this way things that DO matter can be completely ignored, and the elites do whatever they like about things that matter.
and the way you engineer the opinions of both sides is simply by demonizing the other side...for example 'i am opposed to social programs because all the people in favor of social programs are **** people'. the media could very easily make the entire 'left' opposed to environmentalism if they simply convinced the left that donald trump is an environmentalist. then they could talk about how environmentalism is a form of white supremacy, only rich white people can afford to go on hikes in nature, etc etc. The policy itself is less important than which people support the policy.
the modern 'right wing' is a product of the 'Young Americans for Freedom'...which was a totally artificial political movement created to co-opt what the right wing was at that time....which happened to be getting very fascist (Lincoln Rockwell, George Wallace, etc)...just like Karl Marx was created to co opt the socialist philosophy of Charles Fourier and make it less anti Semitic. While Francis Parker Yorkey was reaching out to communist governments because he perceived a mutual interest of fighting the power of organized world jewry....the YAF went on a crusade against communism....and completely ignored issues like civil rights, hart cellar act, the decline of sexual morality in the country, etc.
i have little hope that people who identify as 'left wing' could ever step out of their paradigm...but i do hope that some people on the 'right' will be able to step out of their Finklethink paradigm. There is no reason for you to be supporting corporations, for example, simply because the left pretends to be opposed to corporations. All the corporations have obviously gone 'woke'...they are not your friend. It is also bizarre that so many people on the 'right' are pro-Israel... Israel has literally never done anything for the american people...quite the opposite. Your media is just manipulating you emotions: Arab terrorists have attacked us, Arabs hate Israel, therefore we love Isreal...this is not a rational approach to politics.