I'm an FDR democrat. I never voted for trump. Or for hitlery, or for biden.Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:09 am » wrote: ↑ Trump is a retarded tired old redneck establishment guy. He uses tax cuts to drive the economy with top down economics. You're a establishment republican.
You mean economics that haven't been practiced in over eighty years and was replaced by top down economics that ran up the federal debt?Cannonpointer » 18 Jun 2021, 11:10 am » wrote: ↑ I'm an FDR democrat.
What is biden doing to bring back FDR's economic game rules, which built the middle class, neocon culture warrior?
exactly. Old, racist, White man.
When Trump was president, I spent more time defending him than bashing him. I guess I'm about to do the same for Biden.Cannonpointer » 18 Jun 2021, 11:10 am » wrote: ↑ I'm an FDR democrat. I never voted for trump. Or for hitlery, or for biden.
What is biden doing to bring back FDR's economic game rules, which built the middle class, neocon culture warrior?
Abatjour » 18 Jun 2021, 11:12 am » wrote: ↑ Go look at the Websters' Dictionary definition for the establishment, you loon, and tell me is that the perfect caricature I laid out in my earlier reply here.
Establishment: Old, racist, White men have been in charge of the USA from 1619 - 2019 as in 2019 was abbbbout the time critical race theory veraciously dropped anchor on your racist punkAZZ.
exactly. Old, racist, White man.
Except, Biden's seen the err of his ways, in his sunset years. Just like his buddy, my friend, the late great Sen. Robert KKK Byrd.
Biden embraces critical race theory. Why? You ask
Because Biden realizes it is time for the Establishment to, pack up maaan, as you old racist White men have been atop the USA food chain since 1619. Its another group's turn to be atop that chain now. Face this. Biden does, so you should too.
I disagree on student loan forgiveness - unless we nip the NEXT student loan racket in the bud as part of the deal. Just wiping out that debt and sitting pretty for the next round is ****.SJConspirator » 18 Jun 2021, 11:23 am » wrote: ↑ When Trump was president, I spent more time defending him than bashing him. I guess I'm about to do the same for Biden.
Biden has to play the game to get ANYTHING done. there is such entrenched power in Washington, in the deep state, that will oppose anything good Biden tries to do. There must be hard compromise with the devil to make even a slight improvement in a different area. For example, student loans forgiveness and ending the war on drugs, both issues I think are important.
If Biden tries to oppose the MIC, Israel, the corrupt Pharmaceuticals and their lobbyists, Private prison (slavery) profiteers, Mitch McConnell and every other villain in D.C. he will get nothing done. The only way to make painful, incremental progress is to make deals with the devil, and pick your battles. I don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. For a 89 yr old with multiple brain surgeries under his belt, I think Biden is doing a decent job and actually has some good intentions.
The very fact that you stand up for the status quo is proof you are an establishment guy. Biden is pushing for change that you are not comfortable with. Meaning he is for change that you want to stop to bend to your establishment types.Cannonpointer » 18 Jun 2021, 11:32 am » wrote: ↑ I disagree on student loan forgiveness - unless we nip the NEXT student loan racket in the bud as part of the deal. Just wiping out that debt and sitting pretty for the next round is ****.
I disagree on biden's good intentions. He's the very embodiment of an insider - not some outsider working for the little guy.
No liberal can support what biden is cooking.
Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:11 am » wrote: ↑ You mean economics that haven't been practiced in over eighty years and was replaced by top down economics that ran up the federal debt?
Then you oppose biden, retard.Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:13 am » wrote: ↑ I'm not a Reagan throw money at the top and hope it falls out the rich man's pocket establishment republican.
Is that what the biden administration is? It's gay rights?Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:18 am » wrote: ↑ You see saying that gay rights is establishment you have a basic misunderstanding of what the establishment rule over and religious rule over the last forty years has been.
I like bucking the system of oppression that you want to keep. The good old boy club called the establishment. You want to stop people over who they love or who they are from being excepted into society. That's very establishment.Cannonpointer » 18 Jun 2021, 11:38 am » wrote: ↑ No, I mean game rules that stood until the 1980s, when the assault on the middle class that you support began.
Tell us how biden is bucking trickle down and working to restore FDR's economic rules.Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:40 am » wrote: ↑ I like bucking the system of oppression that you want to keep.
Keep tongue bathing the most establishment insider who ever voted for bush's wars, then, retard.Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:42 am » wrote: ↑ We can go down the line of what I want to change in the establishment. I'm for upsetting the apple cart.
Cannonpointer » 18 Jun 2021, 11:42 am » wrote: ↑ Tell us how biden is bucking trickle down and working to restore FDR's economic rules.
Humanity is the establishment of every contextual reality practiced within this species as a global population numbnuts. What part of creating realities to dodge accepting biology eternally separates the reproductions occupying space now don't you comprehend "everyone else does it too."?Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:42 am » wrote: ↑ We can go down the line of what I want to change in the establishment. I'm for upsetting the apple cart. You on the other hand wanted to go back to the good old boy politics of old where the establishment picks winners and losers based on how they love and who they love.
Change would include universal higher education - not just throwing money at the problem, retahd.Crazytrain » 18 Jun 2021, 11:37 am » wrote: ↑ The very fact that you stand up for the status quo is proof you are an establishment guy. Biden is pushing for change that you are not comfortable with.