Sean Hannity is a bishop.SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2021, 9:45 am » wrote: ↑ The post I took umbrage with started “ your assumptions are so wrong I don’t know where to begin “ followed by name calling, **** testing, and no factual rebuttal to any of my points. That’s the fact, spin it as you like.
to be clear on another point, peons and peasants are simply those making less than $60k annual in this country. Tools and pawns are different. They are more like Sean Hannity.
Speaking of the peons paying taxes, this is something Robert Kiyosaki covered in one of his presentations.Cannonpointer » 21 Jun 2021, 3:09 am » wrote: ↑ What if you re-read that, but use "one" where he uses "you." Would that help you get his point and stop falsely accusing him of name calling?
In a civil court of law, not a criminal one. Funny how double jeopardy works playing semantics with two separate applications of law that order ancestors to adopt social narratives or else, then be called racists, bigots, homo phobes for being true to their beliefs trained to typecast themselves and everyone else to speculation life cannot be limited to biological separation now.SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2021, 8:51 pm » wrote: ↑ If she does kill somebody, and it happened to be on campus where she worked, that university would be liable. She should be fired and banished from the premises for making death threats.
SJConspirator » 21 Jun 2021, 11:33 pm » wrote: ↑ ... -let-them/
let them eat cake right?
.Cannonpointer » 17 Jun 2021, 9:44 pm » wrote: ↑If You are not Anti-EstablishmentThen you are not a liberal.
The very IDEA of liberalism is in opposition to the established order.
Cannonpointer » 21 Jun 2021, 9:58 pm » wrote: ↑ The issue is that it's now permissible in polite settings to openly ruminate about murdering people for being caucasian.
Mortgage Banker?
Find yourselves an island.
I've been at odds with the culture that I exist in since the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. If that's not a good enough reason for you, rent boi, you can go **** your mother.Cannonpointer » 17 Jun 2021, 9:44 pm » wrote: ↑ Then you are not a liberal.
The very IDEA of liberalism is in opposition to the established order.
If you fancy yourself a liberal, I challenge you to tell us in what ways you are anti-establishment - including in what ways biden has let you down.
K. We'll take north america.
No. U won't. Try & u will go to prison or die.
Lol buddy. We aren't stupid.
Its still funny that CP read this and said "thats not a personal attack!" Lol
Interesting comment considering what we saw at the Capitol on 1/6. Caucasians threatening to hang other caucasians.Cannonpointer » 21 Jun 2021, 9:58 pm » wrote: ↑ The issue is that it's now permissible in polite settings to openly ruminate about murdering people for being caucasian.
I was describing you from the perspective of the (((globalists))).SJConspirator » 31 Jul 2021, 7:26 pm » wrote: ↑ ITIts still funny that CP read this and said "thats not a personal attack!" Lol
FOS » 31 Jul 2021, 6:54 pm » wrote: ↑ Lol buddy. We aren't stupid.
Obviously the us has to self destruct first. Which will happen. In my lifetime.
IkeBana » 31 Jul 2021, 6:41 pm » wrote: ↑ I've been at odds with the culture that I exist in since the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. If that's not a good enough reason for you, rent boi, you can go **** your mother.
Biden has let me down for not knee capping certain Democratic Senators for refusing to support killing the filibuster.
IkeBana » 31 Jul 2021, 7:47 pm » wrote: ↑ Interesting comment considering what we saw at the Capitol on 1/6. Caucasians threatening to hang other caucasians.
Pengwin » 01 Aug 2021, 1:29 am » wrote: ↑ I no longer see age, or frankly, sex. Just humans, naked, and suffering, and without hope or options, mainly due to other humans (like you).
Biden isn't the problem. He's actually a very nice man, according to others. The problem is the world, and "men" like you, who are truly evil. That can't be fixed by politics. That is an evil only fixed by you dying...