Lol...imagine if the (((globalist liars))) spent even 1% of their efforts on scaring people about diabetes...people would stop drinking coke and eating sugary trash overnight.GHETTOBLASTER » 23 Jul 2021, 3:22 pm » wrote: ↑ I can say with the same degree of certainty as you that.....
If Hank Aaron had tested positive for CV19 but at a later date died of "Natural Causes" he would have been listed [fraudulently] as an OFFICIAL CV19 DEATH.
Instead, Hank Aaron was given a vaccine and a very short time later died. His official cause of death was listed as "Natural Causes" and nothing more specific than that....![]()
Your young guy could infect an elderly person whether he is vaccinated or not. This is how I came down with CV19 and millions of others just like me.
A question....WHO are monitoring all of these "OUTSPOKEN ANTI-VAXXERS" to keep track of what their "DEAD OR ALIVE" status is...then leaking their HIPPA PROTECTED CONFIDENTIAL INFO to the MSM...?
There are ppl in their 30s who die from lightning strikes, drowning in pools, shark attacks, snake poison, and being shot by low IQ ******.Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 11:58 am » wrote: ↑ Look, anti-vaccinators, we all have a right to our opinion about things. What I don't think you understand is that the virus doesn't give a **** about your opinion. If you want to think it's a ll one big hoax so big drug companies can make billions, and whatever other conspiracies, then have it. Whatever. Nonetheless, the virus doesn't give a **** about your conspiracies. The fact is that this guy would be alive if he was vaccinated.
Can any anti-vaccinator here deny that this guy would still be alive if he was vaccinated?
A California man in his early 30s who derided vaccines on Twitter and Instagram died of COVID-19 (
I'll tell you what Vegas. You answer my 3 objections and I will go ahead and take the vaccine:Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 11:58 am » wrote: ↑ Look, anti-vaccinators, we all have a right to our opinion about things. What I don't think you understand is that the virus doesn't give a **** about your opinion. If you want to think it's a ll one big hoax so big drug companies can make billions, and whatever other conspiracies, then have it. Whatever. Nonetheless, the virus doesn't give a **** about your conspiracies. The fact is that this guy would be alive if he was vaccinated.
Can any anti-vaccinator here deny that this guy would still be alive if he was vaccinated?
A California man in his early 30s who derided vaccines on Twitter and Instagram died of COVID-19 (
"Better to be safe"Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 1:16 pm » wrote: ↑ It's better to be safe about it. This guy would be alive if he was vaccinated. Period. A mask is not a straight jacket. It's a simple thing to wear, and the data shows that it does work. Yes, most of those who are in danger are the elderly. But I would like to think that we should be compassionate enough to protect them by having all of us not get infected. If a young guy is infected, he could infect an elderly person. Sure, the young guy will be fine, but the elderly person that he/she has infected has a greater probability of becoming deathly ill. Why not get vaccinated to protect the elderly?
These questions are more geared to debunking the globalist conspiracies. Even if you are 100% correct, so? How does that negate the fact that there is still a virus out there killing people? If you want to fight the globalist, then go for it. But at the time being, we should first get the virus under control.Polar1ty » 23 Jul 2021, 5:44 pm » wrote: ↑ I'll tell you what Vegas. You answer my 3 objections and I will go ahead and take the vaccine:
Obj 1: Since when did (((GLOBALISTS))) who are in charge of this country care about saving the lives of ordinary people?
Obj 2: If (((GLOBALISTS))) care about saving lives, why did they launch propaganda after propaganda campaign against alternative treatments like HcQ and Ivermectin that have been proven to reduce the probability of death among those with moderate to severe reactions to Covid-19?
Obj 3: Why do African countries with abysmally low vaccination rates have so few deaths/some of the lowest death rates out of every country?
(Gosh, could it be that the "600K" number is fabricated????!!!)
Polar1ty » 23 Jul 2021, 5:29 pm » wrote: ↑ There are ppl in their 30s who die from lightning strikes, drowning in pools, shark attacks, snake poison, and being shot by low IQ ******.
Why didn't you post about any of those?
FOS » 23 Jul 2021, 4:10 pm » wrote: ↑ Did you hear this story? ... gers-party
so this violent perverted freak who pretended he wanted to kidnap a politician in order to get some random mentally retarded or schizophrenic dude thrown in prison (or maybe they couldnt even find a mark, i dunno, maybe it was all a hoax just to make people who vote republican seem like terrorists)
So imagine this guy comes up to you with a syringe and says he needs to inject you with something.
"is it a vaccine?" you ask
"not really, it just **** with your mRNA. But we are saying it makes you not die of covid, which very few people die of anyway"
You are going to accept that?
Nobody needs to say that covid is harmless. That is irrelevant. all decisions are a cost benefit analysis. MY position is quite simply that i would rather take my chances with COVID than to let this evil, incompetent, perverted government inject me with anything.
Even if I die of COVID, i still feel that way.
Neo » 23 Jul 2021, 3:41 pm » wrote: ↑ Long term side effects are unknown so there is no safe or sorry dichotomy. Covid19 has a 99.95% survival rate for those under 70. Higher if you have no significant comorbidities. It's a choice between taking an experimental drug with unknown long term side effects or risking a 0.05% chance you will die if you get Covid19. That is the truth of the situation. Your take on this situation is becoming as honest as our resident progressives. Unfortunate.
If the vaccine is safe and effective, why not ensure the elderly are vaccinated? Why am I required to give a **** about your grandma? She never baked me a cookie.
you realize this guy is an FBI agent, right? both a methhead (probably) and an FBI agent.Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 8:31 pm » wrote: ↑ The vaccines weren't made at a meth house. They were made by scientist who know what they are doing.
FOS » 23 Jul 2021, 8:48 pm » wrote: ↑ you realize this guy is an FBI agent, right? both a methhead (probably) and an FBI agent.
he is a representative of the entity that wanted to 'warp speed' your vaccine for you.
If someone is attempting to sell you something, whether it's a penny stock or managed fund that supposedly returns 30% a year or a "vaccine," an intelligent person would do his DD and not take the word of the seller at face value.Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 8:28 pm » wrote: ↑ These questions are more geared to debunking the globalist conspiracies. Even if you are 100% correct, so? How does that negate the fact that there is still a virus out there killing people? If you want to fight the globalist, then go for it. But at the time being, we should first get the virus under control.
Also, I am not your mother. It's not my job to persuade you to get the vaccine. You are an adult, make the responsible decision.
I am. I asked why you chose to focus on people (or a person) who died from Covid-19, when there are thousands of causes of death, and like "Covid-19" most of those causes are preventable.
Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 8:28 pm » wrote: ↑ These questions are more geared to debunking the globalist conspiracies. Even if you are 100% correct, so? How does that negate the fact that there is still a virus out there killing people? If you want to fight the globalist, then go for it. But at the time being, we should first get the virus under control.
Also, I am not your mother. It's not my job to persuade you to get the vaccine. You are an adult, make the responsible decision.
FOS » 23 Jul 2021, 4:10 pm » wrote: ↑ Did you hear this story? ... gers-party
so this violent perverted freak who pretended he wanted to kidnap a politician in order to get some random mentally retarded or schizophrenic dude thrown in prison (or maybe they couldnt even find a mark, i dunno, maybe it was all a hoax just to make people who vote republican seem like terrorists)
So imagine this guy comes up to you with a syringe and says he needs to inject you with something.
"is it a vaccine?" you ask
"not really, it just **** with your mRNA. But we are saying it makes you not die of covid, which very few people die of anyway"
You are going to accept that?
Nobody needs to say that covid is harmless. That is irrelevant. all decisions are a cost benefit analysis. MY position is quite simply that i would rather take my chances with COVID than to let this evil, incompetent, perverted government inject me with anything.
Even if I die of COVID, i still feel that way.
There are thousands of ways for people to die. I simply choose not to tunnel vision on what the (((GLOBALISTS))) want me to see.Vegas » 23 Jul 2021, 8:28 pm » wrote: ↑ How does that negate the fact that there is still a virus out there killing people?
seems like the experience of most people.SJConspirator » 23 Jul 2021, 9:40 pm » wrote: ↑ You won’t die of Covid. I had it, it’s just like normal flu, I was fine after a week
People die, of course. That doesn't mean that we should let our guard down. The average life span back in 1860 was 40yr/old in America. It gradually climbed up to almost 80yr/old in 2020. This is largely because of unfettered science. There have been many viruses throughout this time that went unchecked, thus it contributed to the short life span. Vaccines successfully put a stop to this. Viruses have a way to mutate into more severe viruses. That is why we should kill it in the very beginning, before it is allowed to mutate. There is already the Delta variant which is worse. Who knows what other mutations are in store for us. People dying is a fact of life, but that doesn't mean we can't find ways to extend out lives and increase our quality of life.Polar1ty » 23 Jul 2021, 9:42 pm » wrote: ↑ There are thousands of ways for people to die. I simply choose not to tunnel vision on what the (((GLOBALISTS))) want me to see.
If people make a decision to remain unvaccinated, and they're one of the unlucky 0.005% (or whatever percentage) who succumb, well that's unfortunate but it happens. 0.005% of 330 million is still a large number.
The "logic" that because tens of thousands of people will die somehow justifies forcing everyone to be injected with poison is the real danger here.
I'm just wondering why none of these average IQ progressives (100-110) have ever advocated mandatory exercise and cutting out all processed foods (e.g. getting rid of fast food joints and soda from the store shelves) to cut metabolic syndrome deaths (numbering in the hundreds of thousands every year in the US) by 50% or more.
Could it be that they don't actually care about "saving lives?"
FOS » 23 Jul 2021, 9:31 pm » wrote: ↑ lets agree that there is a virus killing people. In fact lots of things are killing people. Black criminals being let out of prison by people like kim foxx are killing people...right?
its almost like you get the impression that the government hates us...
but you want us to take a 'vaccine'?
the virus kills less than 1% of the people it infects.
the state will kill close to 100% of people it wants to kill.
Polar1ty » 23 Jul 2021, 9:24 pm » wrote: ↑ I am. I asked why you chose to focus on people (or a person) who died from Covid-19, when there are thousands of causes of death, and like "Covid-19" most of those causes are preventable.