Why do I "need" a Smartphone?

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By DennisTheMenace
13 Jan 2022 4:56 am in The Water Cooler Chat Room
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13 Jan 2022 4:07 pm
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nuckin futz » 13 Jan 2022, 3:51 pm » wrote: Pot holes can damage your car,
ASSHOLES can ruin your life!

without *** holes everyone would explode unable to discharge their ****. Doesn't matter if it is nutrients or syllables. Thing is the asshole for reciting food for thought serving a corrupted ideology is the oral cavity.
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14 Jan 2022 3:56 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 13 Jan 2022, 5:04 pm » wrote: Of course.
I just don't think the cost is worth the convenience.
I  can manage just fine without the Smart Phone
I also don't think employees should be expected to provide their own Smart Phones to perform any company related duties.
The Employer should provide the phone and pay the bill.
I went a bit further - I got rid of home Internet. Lasted for about 2 months before I caved as the convenience was too much of a loss.

If all electronics created past 2000 disappeared I wouldn't mind. I actually liked the era of Windows 95 and only having 1 per family.
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31st Arrival
14 Jan 2022 6:29 am
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Polar1ty » 14 Jan 2022, 4:56 am » wrote: I went a bit further - I got rid of home Internet. Lasted for about 2 months before I caved as the convenience was too much of a loss.

If all electronics created past 2000 disappeared I wouldn't mind. I actually liked the era of Windows 95 and only having 1 per family.
you do understand intellectual societal evolution made Orwell's 1984 fruition by 1984.
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14 Jan 2022 6:41 am
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Cannonpointer » 13 Jan 2022, 4:26 pm » wrote: He's a fat little queer hiding out in the filipines, **** pinoy boy toys. 

And I'm all live and let live - until he starts spewing tough talk and flip-semen. 

Weak dick suckers flexing - won't tolerate it
I'll pick you up at the airport CP.  No cost to you.  

And then "introduce" you to my friends.

"They" would find you with your hands wired behind you back at the bottom of a rice paddy. 

You just don't understand how "justice" works in the Philippines.

It's third world country.  I know people here...you don't. 

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31st Arrival
14 Jan 2022 6:45 am
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DennisTheMenace » 14 Jan 2022, 7:41 am » wrote: I'll pick you up at the airport CP.  No cost to you.  

And then "introduce" you to my friends.

"They" would find you with your hands wired behind you back at the bottom of a rice paddy. 

You just don't understand how "justice" works in the Philippines.

It's third world country.  I know people here...you don't. 

thugocracy like any third world order. You are at home being a leader of absolutely corrupted cradle to grave people.
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14 Jan 2022 10:43 am
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Polar1ty » 14 Jan 2022, 4:56 am » wrote: I went a bit further - I got rid of home Internet. Lasted for about 2 months before I caved as the convenience was too much of a loss.

If all electronics created past 2000 disappeared I wouldn't mind. I actually liked the era of Windows 95 and only having 1 per family.
Of course we would adjust..and find fewer reasons to sit  [or lay] around and pass the time while staring into our Electronic Baby Sitters.
My main hobby is automotive "hot rodding".
Of course it is 1000 times easier now.....with the internet.
Back in the day...you had to PHYSICALLY build your own SOCIAL NETWORK of like minded people to pursue your interests....even perhaps join / form a club... Image  !
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14 Jan 2022 2:24 pm
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DennisTheMenace » 14 Jan 2022, 7:41 am » wrote: I'll pick you up at the airport CP.  No cost to you.  

And then "introduce" you to my friends.

"They" would find you with your hands wired behind you back at the bottom of a rice paddy. 

You just don't understand how "justice" works in the Philippines.

It's third world country.  I know people here...you don't. 
That is where you're wrong, fruitcake. I have family there. And I am likely gonna put 'em on ya, fruity. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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20 Jan 2022 1:56 pm
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I don't NEED one and got thru 40 yrs of work with a pager at one job. My desk top is great and I could live without it but glad I have it...
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