R: More Right Wing Website Propaganda

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By Cannonpointer
24 Mar 2022 6:04 pm in Peanut Gallery
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24 Mar 2022 6:04 pm
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https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161 ... pl_1.10712

Yes, the Journal of the American Heart Association, like NIH.gov, is a "right wing website," according to @Phelix_Dacat  

Anyway, here is yet MORE right wing propaganda: 
Abstract 10712: Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines
That's the title. ^

Here is the conclusion:
In conclusion, the mRNA vacs numerically increase (but not statistically tested) the markers IL-16, Fas, and HGF, all markers previously described by others for denoting inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle, in a consecutive series of a single clinic patient population receiving mRNA vaccines without a control group.
They are reporting clinical findings. That is why there is no control group - because these results are not from experiments or studies. They are what is happening in the field. There will BE no tests, because the money and the profit motive do not exist. 



"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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25 Mar 2022 7:53 am
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FOS » 24 Mar 2022, 6:54 pm » wrote: Meanwhile the west is pretending 4hat putin is a criminal..
Putin assassinates his rivals or has the, arrested on false charges. He is a **** EVIL BASTARD, currently in the process of exterminating Russian speakers who prefer living in Ukraine to living under Putin in Russia. 80% of the people in Mariupol are Russian speakers.

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25 Mar 2022 2:20 pm
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Pastafarian » 25 Mar 2022, 6:46 am » wrote: “The American Heart Association published an “expression of concern” in its journal on Nov. 24 to warn that the passage may not be reliable and that a “suitable correction” was needed (here).”

https://www.reuters.com/article/factche ... SL1N2SH1HN

“Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.“

https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10 ... 0000001051
No, this. 

Roger roger dodger.  ROGER. Dodger. Dodger Roger
rog the dodge
The dodger known as roger. 
Rogerino the dodgerino.

 For you Boomers. Heeeey, The Fonz, remember. You bunch of gloryholes. 

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25 Mar 2022 2:28 pm
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Pastafarian » 25 Mar 2022, 2:20 pm » wrote: No, this. 

Roger roger dodger.  ROGER. Dodger. Dodger Roger
rog the dodge
The dodger known as roger. 
Rogerino the dodgerino.

 For you Boomers. Heeeey, The Fonz, remember. You bunch of gloryholes.
Awe so we are not going to have the Republican prediction of a mass die off come true.  

Color me shocked. 
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25 Mar 2022 2:30 pm
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Liberals suck like biden
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25 Mar 2022 2:34 pm
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Crazytrain » 25 Mar 2022, 2:28 pm » wrote: Awe so we are not going to have the Republican prediction of a mass die off come true.  

Color me shocked.
They are really on prophetic so they get it wrong 99.9% of the time. 

Satan always wins. Satan is the ****. 
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25 Mar 2022 3:18 pm
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Cannonpointer » 25 Mar 2022, 2:57 pm » wrote: Yes, you ****. What's wrong is that they allowed the "wrong" facts to be released.

These things are not being tested for - and someone IN THE FIELD reported findings that are not being investigated and are not intended to be investigated.

Tell you what? When your prophecy comes through, I’ll come to your favorite gloryhole and let you suck my dick. 

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25 Mar 2022 3:28 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 25 Mar 2022, 7:53 am » wrote: Putin assassinates his rivals or has the, arrested on false charges. He is a **** EVIL BASTARD, currently in the process of exterminating Russian speakers who prefer living in Ukraine to living under Putin in Russia. 80% of the people in Mariupol are Russian speakers.

lol you have no clue what you are talking about. 

I don't know or care if putin has assassinated anyone. I don't trust any western media about him. But I do know the usa has no problem assassinating people...so how would your argument even matter?

Also...putin is actually fighting azov in mariupol. azov is a ukranian nationalist neo nazi militia...and it is azov killing and beating the Russian civilians there...who actually side with putin. Azov literally films a lot of the stuff they are doing and put it on the internet you can check yourself. 
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25 Mar 2022 4:22 pm
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Study finds benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh risks of rare cases of myocarditis

https://newsroom.heart.org/news/study-f ... yocarditis
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25 Mar 2022 4:57 pm
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FJB » 25 Mar 2022, 4:39 pm » wrote: sad people are still getting it even fully vaxxed
The vaccine prevents damn near everyone from DYING of Covid, you stupid, horrid little man.
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25 Mar 2022 5:02 pm
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slideman » 25 Mar 2022, 4:22 pm » wrote: Study finds benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh risks of rare cases of myocarditis

https://newsroom.heart.org/news/study-f ... yocarditis
Not peer reviewed - journalism not science. Away it goes, fruitcake. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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26 Mar 2022 6:22 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 25 Mar 2022, 4:57 pm » wrote: The vaccine prevents damn near everyone from DYING of Covid, you stupid, horrid little man.

not what democrats were saying....
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